Case Details
Case Number 99-0017 CHC
Case Type CHC Consolidated Healthcare
Case Name Slagley, Ms. Jeannette vs. Humana Health Care Plans
Commissioner z Willard C. Reine
Case Status Archived
Date Created 1999-07-27 10:01:58
Date Closed
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for W 99-17 CHC Slagley, Ms. Janette vs. Humana Health Care Plans --Consolidated Healthcare Entity 1999-08-04 09:00:00 1999-08-04 10:00:00
Hearing Set for S 98-2831 RI Carolyn S. Roussin vs. Director of Revenue--RI DOR/Income Tax Entity 1999-10-14 09:00:00 1999-10-14 09:01:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Closed-Recommended Decision - MCHC Original file of Jeannette Slagley, transcript of August 4, 1999, hearing and recommended decision of WCR returned to Ron Meyer. Letters to Jeannette Slagley and Carlene Marra of Humana Health Care with a copy of the recommended decision. CLOSED 8/20/99 rb. 1999-08-20 00:00:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16259646 MCHC File Transferred 06/08/99 letter from James J. Cesar, D.O., to Humana Pharmacy manager re: Celebrex 100 MG. 06/10/99 letter from Brian Hohstadt, Humana , to Dr. James Cesar reguesting information on Celebrex 100 mg cap. 06/11/99 letter from Brian Hohstadt, Humana , to Dr. James Cesar , denying use of Celebrex for Jeannette Slagley. 06/17/99 fax transmission to "Shelly" from Jeannette Slagley. 06/28/99 letter from JoAnn Cowan, Grievance Manager, Humana, to Jeannette Slagley re: does not meet requirements. Undated letter from Jeannette Slagley to Humana, Louisville KY and Humana Green Bay WI appealing decision re: requirements. 07/07/99 letter from Jeannette Slagley to Board of Trustees, MCHCP, appealing Humana s decision w/medical history. 07/16/99 letters from MCHCP to Jeannette Slagley and Carlene Marra, Humana scheduling hearing at 9:00 A.M., 08/04/99. 1999-07-27 11:15:00