Case Details
Case Number 03-1775 MC
Case Type MC - DOT Motor Carriers
Case Name Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission vs. Knight, Timothy, d/b/a T-N-C Moving
Commissioner John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2003-08-28 09:30:56
Date Closed
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for Graham, C 03-1775 MC Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission vs. Knight, Timothy, d/b/a T-N-C moving Cancelled 2004-01-20 13:00:00 2004-01-20 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-noh 1:00 PM, Tuesday, January 20, 2004, CG/AHC, four hours. NOC/NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9844 8656 9149 rb. 2003-09-03 00:00:00
Personal Service packet sent to Petitioner rb 2003-10-14 13:23:00
Closed-Motion of Petitioner mailed Hearing Cancelled - ds 2004-01-16 14:40:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16212302 Complaint Filed rb 2003-08-22 09:37:00
16504997 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9844 8656 9149 marked "unclaimed" with a line through street name and number and apt. number. with a circled also written on envelope. nb 2003-10-02 11:00:00
16506115 Correspondence
16517083 Personal Service Completed on filed Timothy Knight d/b/a T-N-C Moving at . nb 2003-12-08 13:24:00
16523692 Notice of Dismissal filed by Petitioner. nb 2004-01-16 14:34:00
16523694 Correspondence