Case Details
Case Number 03-0004 HRC
Case Type HRC Human Rights Commission
Case Name State of Missouri, ex. rel. Evans, Reginald vs. Mueller, Clement and Deborah & Phill and Jill Garnto, d/b/a Anchor Management Company
Commissioner z June Striegel Doughty
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2003-03-14 13:02:33
Date Closed 2005-07-13 12:00:00
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Pre Hearing Conference Set for Doughty, J 03-0004 HRC State of Missour, ex. rel. Evans, Reginald vs. Mueller, Clement and Deborah & Phill and Jill Garnto, d/b/a Anchor Management Company 2003-05-16 14:00:00 2003-05-16 14:01:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Letter sent to Reginald Evans regarding service (included in service packet to HRC) rb 2003-05-09 00:00:00
Order Issued staying this action pursuant to notice of election/ sh Returned to HRC on 5/9/03 rb 2003-04-30 00:00:00
Hearing Notice sent-HRC non housing Stage: Hearing Notice HousingNotice of Public Hearing, copies of the original complaint, the Finding of Probable Cause, Affidavit of Failure of Conciliation Efforts, information sheet and the Order Setting Prehearing Conference 2:00 PM, Friday, May 16, 2003, JSD/phone conference, certified rb. 2003-03-31 00:00:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Stage: Petitioner's Objection LetterObj due 4/28/03 to Election to Have Claims Asserted in this Complaint Decided in a Civil Action/ sh 2003-04-18 00:00:00
Order Issued Motion to Hold in Abeyance is moot/ sh 2003-12-29 09:07:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16212339 Returned Mail Received - Objection Letter marked "attempted, not known." np 2003-05-05 16:07:00
16215252 Certified Receipt filed for Phill & Jill Garnto rb 2003-04-02 13:02:00
16215295 Certified Receipt filed for Alan J. Baker rb 2003-04-02 13:01:00
16215299 Certified Receipt filed for Clement & Deborah Mueller rb 2003-04-02 13:02:00
16218701 Returned Mail Received - Order addressed to Reginald Evans marked "attempted, not known" -- np 2003-05-21 15:09:00
16218774 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed by Alan J. Baker by certified mail rb. 2003-04-15 09:19:00
16218775 Motion filed Respondents Election to have Claims Asserted in this Complaint Decided in a Civil Action rb. 2003-04-15 09:23:00
16218797 Returned Mail Received - Order 7160 3901 9844 8656 6889 addressed to Reginald Evans marked "unclaimed" --Order setting pre-hearing conference. np 2003-04-30 11:17:00
16219196 HRC File Transferred 1. Housing Discrimination Complaint 2. Finding of Probable Cause 3. Affidavit of Failure of Conciliation Efforts 4. Letter from Human Rights Commission appointing June Doughty rb. 2003-02-27 13:16:00
16519308 Motion to Hold in Abeyance filed by Petitioner forwarded by Commission on Human Rights. nb 2003-12-19 10:30:00
16520085 Correspondence
16630596 Order of Dismissal - HRC nb 2005-07-11 13:15:00