Case Details
Case Number 02-0003 CHC
Case Type CHC Consolidated Healthcare
Case Name Myers, Sondra vs. Community Health Plan
Commissioner z Christopher Graham
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2002-10-24 10:18:06
Date Closed 2003-07-29 13:45:00
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for Graham, C 02-0003 CHC Myers, Sondra vs. Community Health Plan 2002-11-14 11:00:00 2002-11-14 12:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Letter sent to Ron Meyer returning file, case dismissed rb. 2002-11-13 00:00:00
Closed-Order Issued and mailed 2003-07-29 13:45:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16221093 Miscellaneous filed from Mimi Casteel, closing case rb. 2002-11-13 14:28:00
16221979 MCHC File Transferred 1. October 21, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Ron Meyer 2. October 21, 2002 letter to Hurst from Ron Meyer 3. MCHCP Medical Plan Histroy Inquiry 4. February 12, 1997 memo from Joseph M. Palazola, M.D. 5. Documented medical history/medical visits. 6. July 2, 1997 letter from Chris Guerrieri, D.P.M. 7. October 4, 2000 letter to Marie Marlow from Kimber C. Richter, MD 8. March 27, 2002 letter to Aetna from Bonnie Alderton 9. April 14, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 10. Copy of prescription 11. Aarticle from the Cener for Foot Care 12. Orthotripsy Patient Registration Form 13. May 2, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 14. Copy of patient consent 15. Certificate of medical necessity for plantar fascia night splint 16. copy of prescription 17. May 22, 2002 letter to Appeals Analyst from Sondra Myers 18. May 29, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 19. June 20, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 20. July 3, 2002 letter to Appeals Analyst from Sondra Myers 21. July 11, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 22. EOBs, bill from Rehab Designs of America 23. August 2, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 24. August 13, 2002 letter to Lidia Daffron from Sondra Myers 25. August 15, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plans 26. August 19, 2002 letter to Community Health Plan from Lori Schockley 27. September 3, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 28. September 11, 2002 letter to The Cener for Foot Care from Community Health Plan 29. Patient status report 30. September 17, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 31. September 18, 2002 Cener for Foot Care document 32. September 23, 2002 letter to Community Health Plan re urgent immediate response requested 33. List of Comunity Health Plan External Review Committee 34. September 26, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Health Plan 35. Septembe 27, 2002 letter to Sondra Myers from Community Healt Plan 36. Documents from Dept. of Insurance 37. copy of Email 38. copy of prescription 39. October 2, 2002 letter to MCHCP from Sondra Myers 40. Foot and Ankle article 2002-10-22 10:26:00