Case Details
Case Number 02-0007 HRC
Case Type HRC Human Rights Commission
Case Name State of Missouri, ex. rel. Vice, Clarence vs. Lewis County Nursing Home
Commissioner z Christopher Graham
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2002-09-24 13:13:37
Date Closed
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for Graham, C 02-0007 HRC State of Missour, ex rel. Vice, Clarence vs. Lewis County Nursing Home 2003-03-17 10:00:00 2003-03-17 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Order Issued Stage: Order Issuedgranting Vanessa H. Ellis motion to withdraw as Ptr s attorney/ sh 2002-12-13 00:00:00
Letter sent to both parties: hearing will be held as scheduled at 10:00 AM, Monday, March 17, 2003, Second Floor, Lewis County Circuit Court Room, 124 N. 5th, Canton, Missouri rb. 2003-03-04 00:00:00
Closed-Recommended Order Recommended Order of Dismissal/ sh Returned file to HRC on 5/29/03 rb 2003-05-27 00:00:00
Hearing Continuance Granted Order mailed Stage: Order granting-reschedule at later dateMARCH 17, 2003 HEARING CANCELLED/ORDER ISSUED rb. 2003-03-14 00:00:00
Hearing Notice sent-HRC non housing Reschedule 10:00 AM, Monday, March 17, 2003, CG/location to be announced one day rb. 2002-12-06 00:00:00
Hearing Continuance Granted Order mailed SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 HEARING CANCELLED/ORDER ISSUED rb. 2002-09-06 00:00:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16212757 Motion to Dismiss - Petitioner filed with prejudice rb 2003-05-06 13:18:00
16213802 Settlement Agreement-Mutual Release rb 2003-05-06 13:18:00
16217786 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner rb 2003-03-13 12:51:00
16220588 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney filed Vanessa Howard Ellis for Petitioner rb. 2002-12-11 12:02:00
16221895 HRC File Transferred 1. Order issued March 22, 2002 by Kris Bryant. 2. Answer to Amended Complaint, filed March 7, 2002. 3. Entry of Appearance of Gena Awerkamp. 4. Amended Complaint filed March 1, 2002. 5. Entry of Appearance Julie Petraborg, filed March 1, 2002. 6. Notice of Public Hearing issued Feb. 14, 2002. 7. Order Setting Prehearing Conference issued Feb. 8, 2002. 8. Affidavit of Failure of Conciliation Efforts. 9. Finding of Probable Cause. 10. Amended Charge of Discrimination. 11. Charge of Discrimination 12. Certified mail receipts (green cards Vice & Lewis County Nursing Home rb. 2002-08-30 13:33:00
16223133 Entry of Appearance filed by Vanessa Howard Ellis, attorney for MCHR rb 2002-09-06 13:41:00
16224049 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner (Vanessa Howad Ellis) by fax rb 2002-09-06 13:42:00