Case Details
Case Number 12-0148 FM
Case Type FM Franchise - Motorcycles
Case Name Doug Farnen d/b/a Doug's Cycle Shop vs. Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2012-01-30 10:30:17
Date Closed 2012-03-07 12:14:13
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO; C: #12-0148 FM Doug Farnen d/b/a Doug's Cycle Shop vs. Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A.[Stephen M. Bledsoe] Cancelled 2012-03-12 09:00:00 2012-03-13 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice and Order of Stay FV sent 9:00am, Monday-Tuesday, March 12-13, 2012, NTC/AHC. NOC/NOH order of stay mailed certified (Farnen) 7196 9008 9111 1390 3358 (Kawasaki) 7196 9008 9111 1390 3341. ja 2012-01-30 10:42:00
Order Issued Joint proposed prehearing order due by February 22, 2012. ja 2012-02-15 10:58:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Respondent's motion to postpone hearing granted, March 12 hearing is CANCELED. ja 2012-02-22 13:22:00
Order Issued denying Pet's mtn for reconsideration. sh 2012-03-21 08:23:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17209905 Complaint Filed rcv'd by Motor Vehicle Bureau on 1/23/12, fwd to our office. ja 2012-01-27 00:00:00
17209923 Correspondence
17211427 Certified Receipt filed rec by Dough Farnen on 2/1/12 sm 2012-02-03 12:25:00
17214038 Correspondence
17214229 Certified Receipt filed rec by M. Devlin sm 2012-02-06 00:00:00
17215070 Motion to Dismiss - Respondent filed sm 2012-02-21 09:00:00
17215072 Response filed by Petitioner to to respondent's motion to dismiss sm 2012-02-21 09:01:00
17215123 Motion filed by Respondent to postpone hearing w/order attached requesting telephone status conference be set. 2012-02-21 09:28:00
17215718 Motion for Extension of Time filed respondent's motion for extension of time to file joint proposed prehearing order sm 2012-02-22 12:31:00
17215803 Correspondence
17215810 Motion for Extension of Time filed joint motion for extension of time to file joint proposed pre-hearing order sm 2012-02-22 14:18:00
17215880 Response filed by Respondent to reply in support of it's motion to dismiss sm 2012-02-22 16:30:00
17217307 Response filed by Petitioner to respondent's motion to dismiss sm 2012-02-28 13:09:00
17217456 Proposed Prehearing Order joint sm 2012-02-28 00:00:00
17218123 Response filed by Respondent to supplemental reply in support of it's motion to dismiss sm 2012-03-01 16:24:00
17219206 Correspondence
17222373 Motion for Stay filed petitioner's motion for stay sm 2012-03-19 14:32:00
17222760 Correspondence
17553866 Decision 2012-03-07 00:00:00