Case Details
Case Number 11-2179 RS
Case Type RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax
Case Name Jevon Griffin & GreenLight Enterprises, LLC vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2011-11-04 12:03:35
Date Closed 2012-03-14 12:03:57
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket jcmo; D: #11-2179 RS Jevon Griffin & GreenLight Enterprises, LLC vs. Director of Revenue[Spencer Adam Martin] Cancelled 2012-03-01 09:00:00 2012-03-01 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent resp due 12/5/11 tlf 2011-11-04 12:06:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt DOR Atty Ltr 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 1, 2012, SRD. sh 2011-11-25 09:08:00
Letter to Pet - Corp - Response to DoR Mtn to Dismiss resp 3/13/12 tlf 2012-03-01 10:22:00
Closed-Dismissal Revenue mailed CODR tlf 2012-03-14 12:03:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17188509 Complaint Filed - Certified Mail recd AHC 11/4/11 tlf 2011-11-02 00:00:00
17188516 Correspondence
17190586 Answer - Respondent filed tlf 2011-11-14 16:14:00
17193507 Correspondence
17217524 Motion to Dismiss - DOR filed sm 2012-02-28 00:00:00
17217815 Correspondence
17221126 Correspondence