Case Details
Case Number 11-2151 CB
Case Type CB DIFP/Bd of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners
Case Name Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners vs. Tanya Ilene Cook
Commissioner Karen A. Winn
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2011-10-31 14:48:51
Date Closed 2012-10-03 12:33:09
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO; W: #11-2151 CB Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners vs. Tanya Ilene Cook[Tina M. Crow Halcomb] Continued 2012-04-17 09:00:00 2012-04-17 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO; W: #11-2151 CB Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners vs. Tanya Ilene Cook[Tina M. Crow Halcomb] Cancelled 2012-10-05 09:00:00 2012-10-05 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt nc/nh/dk/st 9:00am, Tuesday, April 17, 2012, KAW/AHC. NOC/NOH mailed certified 7196 9008 9111 1390 2597. ja 2011-10-31 14:55:00
Personal Service packet sent to Petitioner noc/noh. sh 2011-11-21 07:41:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-Commissions Mt April 17, 2012 HEARING CANCELLED; reschedule 9:00 a.m., Friday, October 5, 2012, KAW (dkt). sh 2012-04-05 08:06:00
Personal Service packet sent to Petitioner 2012-04-05 08:06:00
Certified to Board sh 2012-11-08 12:41:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17186843 Complaint Filed 2011-10-28 00:00:00
17186849 Correspondence
17192068 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH unclaimed vh 2011-11-18 15:12:00
17192177 Correspondence
17227034 Correspondence
17227037 Correspondence
17234957 Personal Service Completed on filed copy - rec by Tanya Cook on 1/6/12 sm 2012-05-07 11:33:00
17275281 Motion filed by Petitioner motion for default judgment sm 2012-10-03 09:07:00
17275469 Correspondence
17277713 Returned Mail Received - Decision moved left no address default decision sm 2012-10-10 00:00:00
17284852 Correspondence
17554424 Decision 2012-10-03 00:00:00