Case Details
Case Number 11-1799 RS
Case Type RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax
Case Name Susan Bisch vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2011-09-09 10:32:15
Date Closed 2013-07-23 08:19:02
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket jcmo; D: #11-1799 RS Susan Bisch vs. Director of Revenue[Timothy R. Gerding, Spencer Adam Martin] Continued 2012-02-09 09:00:00 2012-02-09 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO; D: #11-1799 RS Susan Bisch vs. Director of Revenue[Timothy R. Gerding, Spencer Adam Martin] Cancelled 2012-05-10 09:00:00 2012-05-10 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO; D: #11-1799 RS Susan Bisch vs. Director of Revenue[Timothy R. Gerding, Spencer Adam Martin] Cancelled 2012-10-04 09:00:00 2012-10-04 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO; D: #11-1799 RS Susan Bisch vs. Director of Revenue[Timothy R. Gerding, Spencer Adam Martin] Scheduled 2013-04-18 09:00:00 2013-04-18 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent ans due 10/11/11 tlf 2011-09-09 10:35:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent obj due 10/6/11 to mtn to consolidate w/ 11-1812. sh 2011-09-26 08:03:00
Order Consolidating Case No. 11-1812 RS into this case. sh 2011-10-13 08:07:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9:00 a.m., Thursday, February 9, 2012, SRD. sh 2011-10-20 12:27:00
Hearing Notice sent-noh Telepresence. ja 2012-02-06 11:45:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Order Continue-Reschedule Petitioner's motion for continuance granted, hearing rescheduled for 9:00am, Thursday, May 10, 2012, SRD/AHC. ja 2012-02-07 14:18:00
Hearing Notice sent-noh 9:00am, Thursday, October 4, 2012, SRD/AHC. NOH mailed. ja 2012-08-14 15:39:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU obj due 9/27/12 to mtn for continuance. sh 2012-09-25 07:45:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Petitioner's motion for continuance granted, October 4 hearing is CANCELED. Joint status report due by November 27. ja 2012-09-28 16:14:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9 am, Thursday, April 18, 2013, SRD;bjb 2013-02-07 09:14:00
Transcript Letter to Pet Non-State Party 2013-05-17 12:34:00
Briefing Schedule mailed Resp 6/19/13; Pet 7/19/13; reply 8/5/13. sh 2013-05-20 09:27:00
Transcript Sent to Rotts & Gibbs tlf 2013-06-04 08:43:00
Briefing Schedule Revised mailed Resp 7/5/13; Pet 8/5/13; reply 8/20/13. sh 2013-06-18 08:00:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent resp 7/22/13 tlf 2013-07-08 08:15:00
Closed-Dismissal Revenue mailed CODR tlf 2013-07-23 08:19:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17171946 Complaint Filed DOR delivered. tlf 2011-09-08 00:00:00
17171951 Correspondence
17173864 Motion filed by Respondent to consolidate with case 11-1812 RS vh 2011-09-15 00:00:00
17176048 Correspondence
17180055 Answer - Respondent filed sh 2011-10-05 00:00:00
17181308 Correspondence
17183508 Correspondence
17211700 Correspondence
17212125 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner and reset hearing date sm 2012-02-06 00:00:00
17212289 Correspondence
17262917 Correspondence
17272981 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner sm 2012-09-24 14:01:00
17273023 Correspondence
17274443 Correspondence
17288301 Status report filed by Petitioner sm 2012-11-26 00:00:00
17306522 Correspondence
17336996 Transcript filed Bisch v. DOR; grs. 2013-05-17 12:29:00
17336998 Correspondence
17337016 Correspondence
17337302 Correspondence
17341923 Correspondence
17346147 Motion for Extension of Time filed respondent - to file brief sm 2013-06-17 14:58:00
17346302 Correspondence
17351119 Motion to Dismiss - DOR filed sm 2013-07-03 14:43:00
17351459 Correspondence
17356286 Correspondence