Case Details
Case Number 11-1798 RS
Case Type RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax
Case Name Adam Baker & B and B Pizza, Inc. d/b/a Papa Murphys vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner Audrey McIntosh
Case Status Closed
Date Created 2011-09-09 10:23:36
Date Closed 2015-05-06 08:23:11
Case Appointments
No appointments
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent ans due 10/11/11 tlf 2011-09-09 10:28:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9:00 a.m., Thursday, February 9, 2012, SRD. sh 2011-10-20 12:29:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Order Continue-Reschedule Petitioner's motion for continuance granted, hearing rescheduled for 9:00am, Thursday, April 19, 2012, SRD/AHC. ja 2012-01-26 14:31:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Joint motion for continuance granted, April 19 hearing is CANCELED. Joint status report due by July 5. ja 2012-04-04 09:01:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested joint, by August 28, 2012. ja 2012-06-29 08:44:00
Order Granting Leave to File Amended Complaint is filed as of 1/18/13. sh 2013-01-28 08:31:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9 am, Thursday, June 27, 2013, NTC;bjb 2013-03-08 09:03:00
Order Consolidating Case No. 11-2107 RS into this case. sh 2013-05-15 09:31:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Hearing cancelled, joint status report due Sept 13, 2013. cb 2013-06-13 12:53:00
Order Issued dismissing Scott Burns as a petitioner. sh 2013-09-18 09:07:00
Hearing Notice sent-noh 9 am, Thursday, February 13, 2014, SRD/WW923, HST510, and FD503 by telepresence, dkt. cb 2013-11-20 08:03:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Hearing cancelled. Pet shall file status report by April 1, 2014. cb 2014-01-30 11:56:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 6/2/14. sh 2014-04-08 08:35:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9 am, Wed, March 4, 2015, SRD/JC, dkt. cb 2014-09-04 15:16:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Hearing cancelled. Status report due April 3, 2015. cb 2015-03-02 09:43:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 6/1/15. sh 2015-04-06 08:09:00
Closed-Dismissal Joint mailed tlf 2015-05-06 08:23:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17171938 Complaint Filed hand delivered. tlf 2011-09-08 00:00:00
17171942 Correspondence
17180942 Answer - Respondent filed tlf 2011-10-11 15:52:00
17183518 Correspondence
17193053 Certificate of Serv filed a copy of respondent's first set of interrogatories to petitioner and respondent's first request to produce documents were served by first class mail to attorney for petitioner vh 2011-11-22 16:14:00
17201351 Certificate of Serv filed petitioner - objections to respondent's first set of interrogatories and objections to respondent's first request to produce documents sm 2011-12-27 14:24:00
17209261 Certificate of Serv filed petitioner sm 2012-01-26 11:18:00
17209262 Certificate of Serv filed petitioner sm 2012-01-26 11:19:00
17209263 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner sm 2012-01-26 11:20:00
17209364 Correspondence
17226458 Motion for Continuance - Joint filed vh 2012-04-03 14:39:00
17226623 Correspondence
17227672 Certificate of Serv filed respondent sm 2012-04-06 00:00:00
17249848 Notice filed of petitioner - notice of change of address sm 2012-06-28 16:00:00
17249860 Joint Status Report sm 2012-06-28 16:35:00
17249901 Correspondence
17266587 Joint Status Report sm 2012-08-28 16:15:00
17301557 Motion for Leave to file petitioner - to file 1st amended complaint sm 2013-01-18 13:15:00
17303214 Correspondence
17306761 Answer to 1st Amended Complaint filed sm 2013-02-07 15:14:00
17314416 Correspondence
17334674 Motion to Consolidate filed by Petitioner consolidate w/11-2107 RS sm 2013-05-10 11:18:00
17335965 Correspondence
17344828 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner sm 2013-06-13 11:05:00
17344964 Correspondence
17371479 Joint Status Report sm 2013-09-12 15:58:00
17371480 Motion to Dismiss - Petitioner filed motion to dismiss Scott Burns sm 2013-09-12 15:59:00
17372771 Correspondence
17389220 Correspondence
17405190 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner sm 2014-01-30 10:30:00
17405226 Correspondence
17417994 Status report filed by Petitioner sm 2014-04-02 10:37:00
17419158 Correspondence
17433300 Status report filed by Petitioner sh 2014-06-02 10:35:00
17455620 Correspondence
17491178 Motion for Continuance - Joint filed vlh 2015-02-27 15:32:00
17491350 Correspondence
17498340 Joint Status Report st 2015-04-02 00:00:00
17498461 Correspondence
17505631 Motion to Dismiss - Joint filed ST 2015-05-05 14:31:00
17505672 Correspondence