Case Details
Case Number 11-1342 RS
Case Type RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax
Case Name Balloons Over The Rainbow, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner Karen A. Winn
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2011-07-05 08:45:03
Date Closed
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket jcmo; W: #11-1342 RS Balloons Over The Rainbow, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue[Richard J. Keyes, Mr. Roger L. Freudenberg] Held 2012-01-05 09:00:00 2012-01-05 10:00:00
Pre Hearing Conference Set for JC MO by phone W: #11-1342 RS Balloons Over The Rainbow, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue[Richard J. Keyes, Aaron French, Roger Freudenberg, Apollo Carey, James R. Layton] Held 2014-06-04 11:00:00 2014-06-04 12:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent ans due 8/4/11 tlf 2011-07-05 09:01:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9:00 a.m., Thursday, January 5, 2012, KAW. sh 2011-08-12 12:06:00
Order Consolidating Case No. 11-0613 RS into this case. sh 2011-08-31 08:36:00
Transcript Letter to Pet Non-State Party 2012-05-09 14:30:00
Briefing Schedule mailed Pet 6/11/12; Resp 7/11/12; reply 7/26/12. sh 2012-05-10 08:40:00
Transcript Sent to Mr. Keyes tlf 2012-05-17 11:16:00
Order Issued denying mtn for reconsideration. sh 2012-12-27 15:17:00
Certified to Supreme Court sh 2013-03-12 09:13:00
Prehearing Conference Notice Sent Post hearing conf: 11 am, Wed, June 4, 2014, KAW/1 hr. cb 2014-05-30 15:35:00
Order Issued Conference call held on June 4, 2014. Status report due July 7, 2014. cb 2014-06-05 08:26:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 8/11/14. sh 2014-07-10 08:27:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 9/12/14. sh 2014-08-13 08:31:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU obj due 9/29/14 to mtn to enforce supreme court decision. sh 2014-09-18 07:55:00
Order Issued denying mtn to enforce supreme court decision; parties to file jt stipulation of facts and legal arguments by 12/1/14. sh 2014-11-04 11:22:00
Order Issued Pet show cause by 12/30/14 not to close case. sh 2014-12-12 11:22:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17149508 Correspondence
17159674 Answer - Respondent filed vh 2011-08-01 00:00:00
17163421 Correspondence
17168547 Motion filed by Petitioner to consolidate cases and continue case 11-0613 RS vh 2011-08-29 10:26:00
17169209 Correspondence
17235405 Transcript filed Balloons v. DOR; grs. 2012-05-09 14:30:00
17235407 Correspondence
17235419 Correspondence
17235641 Correspondence
17237942 Correspondence
17244921 Memorandum filed by petitioner sm 2012-06-11 00:00:00
17244927 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by petitioner sm 2012-06-11 00:00:00
17244936 Brief filed by Petitioner legal brief sm 2012-06-11 00:00:00
17252853 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by respondent - scanned in 2 parts sm 2012-07-11 16:21:00
17252854 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by respondent - scanned in 2 parts sm 2012-07-11 16:22:00
17257287 Reply Brief filed by Petitioner sm 2012-07-26 14:45:00
17288390 Correspondence
17295998 Entry of Appearance-Petitioner filed Aaron French and Apollo Carey sm 2012-12-26 00:00:00
17296005 Motion for Reconsideration filed by Petitioner and/or alternative, motion for rehearing to set aside the AHC's decision sm 2012-12-26 00:00:00
17296046 Correspondence
17296567 Appealed to Supreme Court filed rec'd 12/27/12 sm 2012-12-26 00:00:00
17301282 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed sm 2013-01-17 00:00:00
17315602 Correspondence
17316947 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court sm 2013-03-14 00:00:00
17369394 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court entry of appearance sm 2013-09-05 13:17:00
17421296 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court petitioner for review sm 2014-04-17 15:01:00
17421316 Opinion filed by Mo Court of Appeals - sm 2014-04-17 16:11:00
17424821 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court sm 2014-05-05 10:50:00
17424825 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court memorandum of law sm 2014-05-05 10:59:00
17424826 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court motion to supplement scanned in 2 part sm 2014-05-05 11:00:00
17424827 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court motion to supplement scanned in 2 parts sm 2014-05-05 11:00:00
17425559 Correspondence filed by Mo Supreme Court suggestions in opposition sm 2014-05-07 11:45:00
17432550 Mandate filed by Mo Supreme Court sh 2014-05-29 14:54:00
17433074 Correspondence
17434447 Correspondence
17443338 Joint Status Report st 2014-07-07 00:00:00
17444045 Correspondence
17451095 Status report filed by Petitioner st 2014-08-12 13:00:00
17451436 Correspondence
17452089 Status report filed by Petitioner by certified mail (received 8/15/14) 2014-08-12 00:00:00
17457664 Status report filed by Petitioner st 2014-09-12 15:53:00
17457665 Motion filed by Petitioner to enforce decision of the Missouri Supreme Court. Received certified mail 9-15-14. st 2014-09-12 15:54:00
17457890 Hard Copy filed by Petitioner status report and motion to enforce decision of the missouri supreme court. st 2014-09-12 00:00:00
17458572 Correspondence
17460251 Response filed by Respondent to petitioner's motion to enforce the decision of the missouri supreme court. st 2014-09-25 16:43:00
17460256 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed Spencer Adam Martin. st 2014-09-25 16:52:00
17467754 Correspondence
17473309 Response filed by Respondent to to this commission's order. st 2014-12-01 16:17:00
17473313 Affidavit filed by Respondent of Daniel Hurst. st 2014-12-01 16:21:00
17476056 Correspondence
17554806 Decision 2012-11-27 00:00:00