Case Details
Case Number 10-2018 TP
Case Type TP DIFP/Tattooing and Body Piercing
Case Name Office of Tattooing, Body Piercing and Branding vs. Drake Cox & American Bodyworks
Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2010-10-26 13:15:48
Date Closed 2012-08-08 08:49:17
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #10-2018 TP Drake Cox & Office of Tattooing, Body Piercing and Branding vs. Drake Cox & American Bodyworks[Daniel K. Jacob] Continued 2011-04-19 09:00:00 2011-04-19 12:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO; D: #10-2018 TP Office of Tattooing, Body Piercing and Branding vs. Drake Cox & American Bodyworks[Daniel K. Jacob] Held 2011-09-28 09:00:00 2011-09-28 12:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 9:00 Am, Tuesday, April 19, 2011 SRD 3 hr. NOC, NOH mailed to Drake Cox 1943 S Glenstone, Springfield MO certified 7160 3901 9845 9566 6654 and to Drake Cox, 1430 1/2 E. Sunshine Springfield certified 7160 3901 9845 9566 6661 rb. 2010-11-09 13:48:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-Commissions Mt APRIL 19, 2011, HEARING CANCELLED; reschedule 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 28, 2011, SRD/AHC, 3 hrs. sh 2011-03-11 14:45:00
Resent with Letter by Regular Mail noc/noh, order of 3/11/11, certified 7160 3901 9848 8482 5199. sh 2011-03-11 14:45:00
Personal Service packet sent to Petitioner noc/noh, order of 3/11/11. sh 2011-03-23 13:45:00
Transcript Letter to Resp Non-State Party 2011-09-29 08:31:00
Briefing Schedule mailed simultaneous briefs due 10/31/11; replies 11/15/11. sh 2011-09-30 08:30:00
Transcript Sent to Mr. Jacob tlf 2011-10-26 16:44:00
Briefing Schedule Revised mailed 2011-11-01 12:08:00
Order Issued granting mtn to substitute page 19 of Petitioner's brief. sh 2011-11-17 08:09:00
Certified to Board sh 2012-09-10 11:58:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17074946 Complaint Filed sh 2010-10-25 13:30:00
17078496 Correspondence
17083685 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9845 9566 6654 marked Unclaimed at 1943 South Glenstone address. nb 2010-11-30 15:00:00
17083686 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9845 9566 6661 with 1430 1/2 / E. Sunshine address marked out and 1943 S. Glenstone hand written, marked Unclaimed. nb 2010-11-30 15:00:00
17109910 Correspondence
17109916 Correspondence
17113426 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9848 8482 5199 marked UTF (unable to forward) nb 2011-03-18 09:45:00
17113566 Correspondence
17116756 Returned Mail Received letter by regular mail marked Moved left no address, unable to forward. nb 2011-03-30 16:00:00
17175316 Personal Service Completed on filed on Drake Cox on 4/25/11 vh 2011-09-21 14:06:00
17177641 Transcript filed TP v. Cox; grs. 2011-09-29 08:28:00
17177643 Correspondence
17177645 Correspondence
17178134 Correspondence
17180168 Returned Mail Received vh 2011-10-06 15:57:00
17181419 Returned Mail Received briefing schedule, marked "not here." sh 2011-10-11 00:00:00
17185252 Correspondence
17187067 Motion for Ext of Time to File Brief filed by Petitioner. sh 2011-10-31 00:00:00
17187123 Correspondence
17189553 Returned Mail Received revised briefing schedule: return to sender, unable to forward. sh 2011-11-08 15:07:00
17190824 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by Petitioner. sh 2011-11-14 00:00:00
17191135 Motion filed by Petitioner to supplement page 19 of brief. sh 2011-11-15 00:00:00
17191409 Correspondence
17260979 Correspondence
17269150 Correspondence
17554359 Decision 2012-08-08 00:00:00