Case Details
Case Number 10-1940 BN
Case Type BN DIFP/Bd of Nursing
Case Name State Board of Nursing vs. Kimberly Frost
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2010-10-18 13:30:18
Date Closed 2011-08-18 14:11:40
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO C: #10-1940 BN State Board of Nursing vs. Kimberly Frost[Tina M. Crow Halcomb, Kevin J. Dolley] Continued 2011-04-13 09:00:00 2011-04-13 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO; C: #10-1940 BN State Board of Nursing vs. Kimberly Frost[Tina M. Crow Halcomb, Kevin J. Dolley] Cancelled 2011-08-26 09:00:00 2011-08-26 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt nc/nh/dk/st 9:00 AM, Wednesday, April 13, 2011 MEN. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9845 9566 5923 rb. 2010-11-02 16:30:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Order Continue-Reschedule 9:00am, Friday, August 26, 2011, NTC/AHC, final joint proposed prehearing order due April 21. JA 2011-04-11 12:17:00
Order Issued adopting jt proposed prehrg order. sh 2011-04-27 11:21:00
Closed-Motion of Petitioner mailed tlf 2011-08-18 14:11:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17072443 Complaint Filed - Fax sh 2010-10-15 13:45:00
17076404 Correspondence
17077710 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 9566 5923 signed by Kimberly Frost dated 11/3/10 by postal mark. nb 2010-11-05 10:49:00
17077798 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of First Request for Admissions mailed 11/5/10. nb 2010-11-05 13:28:00
17081135 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed by Kevin J. Dolley. nb 2010-11-19 16:00:00
17081137 Answer - Respondent filed and Affirmative Defenses. nb 2010-11-19 16:00:00
17111635 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of First Request for Production of Documents mailed 3/14/11. (by Fax) nb 2011-03-14 14:30:00
17119066 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent (fax). sh 2011-04-06 07:45:00
17119857 Correspondence
17120039 Hard Copy filed of Motion for Continuance by Respondent. nb 2011-04-11 15:35:00
17123548 Miscellaneous filed joint proposed prehearing order. sh 2011-04-21 13:20:00
17124783 Correspondence
17165479 Motion to Dismiss - Petitioner filed vh 2011-08-18 13:06:00
17165553 Correspondence