Case Details
Case Number 10-1418 RI
Case Type RI DOR - Income Tax
Case Name Watkins Motor Lines, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner Marvin O. Teer, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2010-07-28 13:42:10
Date Closed 2013-09-27 08:05:17
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO W: #10-1418 RI Watkins Motor Lines, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue[Carole L. Iles, Ms. Jan Hemm Pritchard, Mr. Wood Miller] Cancelled 2011-02-10 09:00:00 2011-02-10 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO C: #10-1418 RI Watkins Motor Lines, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue[Carole L. Iles, Ms. Jan Hemm Pritchard, Mr. Wood Miller] Cancelled 2011-06-16 09:00:00 2011-06-16 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent ans. due 8/27/10 tlf 2010-07-28 13:55:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU Obj due 9/14/10 to mtn to partially close record. sh 2010-08-31 07:43:00
Order Issued denying Pet's mtn to partially close record. sh 2010-09-15 12:03:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 9:00 a.m., Thursday, February 10, 2011, KAW. sh 2010-10-20 07:43:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later FEB 10, 2011 HEARING CANCELLED. Status report due 3/1/11 rb. 2011-01-03 09:54:00
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt Letter 6/16/11. JA 2011-03-14 11:25:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU obj due 5/17/11 to mtn to consolidate w/ 11-0788 RS. sh 2011-05-10 09:40:00
Order Issued Petitioner's motion to consolidate and motion for continuance granted, June 12 hearing is CANCELLED, joint final prehearing order due 6/14/2011. ja 2011-05-24 09:05:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for parties to file joint final prehearing order. sh 2011-06-16 07:50:00
Order Consolidating Case No. 11-0788 RS into this case; status report due 7/28/11. sh 2011-07-14 09:54:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU obj due 9/27/11 to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-09-07 08:12:00
Order Granting Extension of Time Resp has until 10/31/11 to respond to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-09-09 08:31:00
Order Granting Extension of Time Resp has until 11/21/11 to respond to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-10-27 12:13:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent obj due 12/12/11 to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-11-22 08:14:00
Order Granting Extension of Time Pet has until 12/19/11 to respond to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-12-12 10:00:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17051082 Complaint Filed Ms. Iles' office delivered. tlf 2010-07-27 00:00:00
17051086 Correspondence
17059426 Answer - Respondent filed Exhibits not scanned. nb 2010-08-26 14:46:00
17059812 Motion filed by Petitioner to partially close case record. nb 2010-08-27 16:00:00
17060093 Correspondence
17062630 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed by Wood Miller. nb 2010-09-07 16:00:00
17062632 Suggestions in Opposition filed by Respondent to motion to partially close case record. nb 2010-09-07 16:00:00
17062785 Response filed by Petitioner to Respondents suggestions in opposition to motion to partially close case record. nb 2010-09-08 16:00:00
17064385 Correspondence
17072964 Correspondence
17080640 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of discovery documents mailed 11/16/10. nb 2010-11-16 16:00:00
17088771 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner nb 2010-12-17 13:15:00
17090131 Suggestions in Opposition filed by Respondent to motion for continuance. nb 2010-12-27 14:45:00
17091403 Correspondence
17097631 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Responses to first set of interrogatories and Response to first request for production of documents hand delivered 1/21/11. nb 2011-01-21 14:30:00
17107074 Status report filed by Respondent nb 2011-02-28 12:00:00
17107077 Status report filed by Petitioner nb 2011-03-01 12:00:00
17110891 Correspondence
17114255 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Request for Admissions delivered 3/23/11. nb 2011-03-23 15:00:00
17123679 Certificate of Serv filed Respondent's response to Petitioner's first request for admissions, ja. 2011-04-21 16:21:00
17127816 Motion to Consolidate filed by Petitioner with Case 11-0788. vh 2011-05-06 16:17:00
17128145 Correspondence
17129924 Certificate of Serv filed of respondent's first request for admissions by respondent. vh. 2011-05-13 00:00:00
17130391 Response filed by Respondent to Petitioner's Motion to Consolidate Cases vh 2011-05-16 00:00:00
17132117 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner vh 2011-05-20 16:37:00
17132863 Correspondence
17140208 Motion for Extension of Time filed to file joint final prehearing order joint filed. vh 2011-06-13 11:37:00
17141659 Certificate of Serv filed that petitioner's responses to respondent's first request for admissions were sent to respondent. vh 2011-06-15 15:49:00
17141695 Correspondence
17153671 Correspondence
17156800 Status Report Filed by both parties. sh 2011-07-22 00:00:00
17168668 Certificate of Serv filed that discovery documents were mailed to petitioner vh 2011-08-29 15:13:00
17170315 Exhibit filed by Petitioner with motion for summary decision - exhibit B and Statements 1, 2, 3 of Exhibit A 2011-09-02 00:00:00
17170320 Exhibit filed by Petitioner with motion for summary decision - Exhibit A 2011-09-02 00:00:00
17170321 Exhibit filed by Petitioner with Motion for Summary Decision - Affidavit of Matthew Polli 2011-09-02 00:00:00
17170322 Exhibit filed by Petitioner filed with Motion for Summary Decision - Affidavit of Susan Burnette 2011-09-02 00:00:00
17170323 Exhibit filed by Petitioner with Motion for Summary Decision - Affidavit of Wayde A. Friez 2011-09-02 00:00:00
17170325 Motion for Summary Decision filed proposed findings of fact, proposed conclusions of law and brief by petitioner vh 2011-09-02 00:00:00
17171085 Correspondence
17171687 Motion for Extension of Time filed to respond to petitioner's motion for summary decision filed by respondent vh 2011-09-08 15:08:00
17171840 Correspondence
17179322 Certificate of Serv filed that petitioner's responses to respondent's second set of interrogatories and petitioner's response to respondent's second request for production of documents were hand delivered to counsel for respondent vh 2011-10-03 00:00:00
17181388 Certificate of Serv of Respondents filed second request for admissions. sh 2011-10-11 00:00:00
17184233 Motion for Extension of Time filed by Respondent to respond to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-10-21 08:00:00
17185511 Correspondence
17186663 Certificate of Serv - Answers filed by Pet to Resp's second request for admissions. sh 2011-10-28 00:00:00
17187547 Motion filed by Respondent to have determined sufficiency of answers to Respondent's second request of admissions. sh 2011-11-01 00:00:00
17188186 Certificate of Serv filed of Petitioner's Amended Responses to Respondent's Second Request For Admissions. ja 2011-11-03 16:21:00
17189980 Response filed by Petitioner to respondent's motion to have determined sufficiency of answers to respondent's second request for admissions vh 2011-11-09 00:00:00
17192582 Exhibit filed by Respondent Exs. 2-6 to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-11-21 15:29:00
17192584 Exhibit filed by Respondent Ex. 1 to mtn for summary decision. sh 2011-11-21 15:30:00
17192585 Motion for Summary Decision filed by Respondent. sh 2011-11-21 15:31:00
17192665 Correspondence
17197530 Motion for Ext of Time to File Answer filed to respondent's motion for summary decision sm 2011-12-09 14:44:00
17197867 Correspondence
17200115 Response filed by Petitioner to respondent's motion for summary decision sm 2011-12-19 00:00:00
17202243 Response filed by Respondent to petitioner's response to respondent's motion for summary decision sm 2011-12-29 16:37:00
17375524 Correspondence
17554657 Decision 2013-09-27 00:00:00