Case Details
Case Number 10-1137 BN
Case Type BN DIFP/Bd of Nursing
Case Name State Board of Nursing vs. Maury R. Hefele
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2010-06-21 16:13:18
Date Closed 2012-01-31 10:22:05
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO C: #10-1137 BN State Board of Nursing vs. Maury R. Hefele[Stephan Cotton Walker, Nicole L. Sublett] Cancelled 2010-11-15 09:00:00 2010-11-15 10:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO C: #10-1137 BN State Board of Nursing vs. Maury R. Hefele[Stephan Cotton Walker, Nicole L. Sublett] Held 2011-04-18 09:00:00 2011-04-18 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt nc/nh/dk/st 9:00 AM, Monday, November 15, 2010 SRD. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9845 9566 2519 rb. 2010-06-22 10:12:00
Personal Service packet sent to Petitioner noc, noh rb. 2010-07-15 11:11:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later NOVEMBER 15, 2010 HEARING CANCELLED. Jt proposed scheduling order due 11/12/10 rb. 2010-10-27 06:31:00
Order Issued hearing 9:00 AM, Monday, April 18, 2011 NTC rb. 2010-12-07 09:01:00
Hearing Continuance Denied Notice mailed sh 2011-04-15 15:57:00
Transcript Letter to Resp Non-State Party 2011-04-26 10:04:00
Briefing Schedule mailed Pet 5/27/11; Resp 6/13/11; reply 6/23/11. sh 2011-04-27 10:59:00
Transcript Sent to Nicole Sublett. tlf 2011-04-29 10:30:00
Transcript Sent to Stephan Cotton Walker. tlf 2011-05-06 09:07:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17041104 Complaint Filed rb 2010-06-21 16:14:00
17041306 Correspondence
17043127 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9845 9566 2519 marked Not deliverable as addressed, unable to forward. nb 2010-06-28 13:25:00
17047825 Correspondence
17074693 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed by Nicole L. Sublett. nb 2010-10-25 16:00:00
17074697 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Interrogatories and First Request for Production mailed 10/25/10. nb 2010-10-25 16:00:00
17074700 Answer - Respondent filed nb 2010-10-25 16:00:00
17074711 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent nb 2010-10-25 16:00:00
17075086 Correspondence
17078636 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Request for Admissions mailed 11/9/10. (by Fax) nb 2010-11-09 15:08:00
17079535 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Answers to first set of interrogatories an Answers to first request for production mailed 11/9/10. (by Fax) nb 2010-11-10 10:30:00
17080205 Miscellaneous filed Joint Proposed Scheduling Order. nb 2010-11-15 16:30:00
17083109 Certificate of Serv filed Respondent of Objections and Response to request for admissions mailed 11/29/10. nb 2010-11-29 12:15:00
17085049 Correspondence
17117524 Affidavit filed by Petitioner of Lori Scheidt (attachments not scanned). sh 2011-04-01 12:45:00
17118053 Objection filed by Respondent to to Affidavit of Lori Scheidt. sh 2011-04-04 15:45:00
17120531 Copy filed by Petitioner of Subpoena to Dawn Nunez. (by Fax) nb 2011-04-11 14:15:00
17122032 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner sh 2011-04-15 15:20:00
17122066 Correspondence
17122071 Objection filed by Respondent to Pet's motion for continuance. sh 2011-04-15 16:12:00
17124437 Transcript filed BN v. Hefele;bjb 2011-04-26 10:01:00
17124439 Correspondence
17124441 Correspondence
17124761 Correspondence
17125552 Correspondence
17127612 Correspondence
17134981 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by petitioner. vh 2011-05-27 14:46:00
17140686 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by respondent. vh 2011-06-13 16:34:00
17144320 Reply Brief filed by Petitioner vh 2011-06-21 13:39:00
17210275 Correspondence