Case Details
Case Number 10-0856 RC
Case Type RC DIFP/Bd of Respiratory Care
Case Name State Board for Respiratory Care vs. Phyllis Anne Schulte
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2010-05-19 13:39:50
Date Closed 2012-03-08 09:43:16
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #10-0856 RC State Board for Respiratory Care vs. Phyllis Anne Schulte[Shannon T. Kempf] Cancelled 2010-10-27 13:00:00 2010-10-27 17:00:00
Pre Hearing Conference Set for JCMO by phone C: #10-0856 RC State Board for Respiratory Care vs. Phyllis Anne Schulte[Shannon T. Kempf] Held 2010-11-04 14:30:00 2010-11-04 15:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #10-0856 RC State Board for Respiratory Care vs. Phyllis Anne Schulte[Shannon T. Kempf] Continued 2011-01-11 13:00:00 2011-01-11 15:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #10-0856 RC State Board for Respiratory Care vs. Phyllis Anne Schulte[Shannon T. Kempf] Held 2011-03-28 13:00:00 2011-03-28 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 1:00 PM, Wednesday, October 27, 2010 NTC 4 hrs. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9845 9566 1994 rb. 2010-05-27 13:19:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule OCTOBER 27, 2010 HEARING CANCELLED. PHC 9:30 AM, Thursday, November 4, 2010 by phone rb. 2010-10-20 09:37:00
Hearing Notice sent-Rescheduled Ltr 1:00 PM, Tuesday, Jan 11, 2011 NTC 2 hr rb. 2010-11-15 16:00:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule JANUARY 11, 2011 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 1:00 PM, Monday, March 28, 2011 NTC 4 hr rb. 2011-01-07 12:04:00
Transcript Letter to Resp Non-State Party 2011-03-29 13:28:00
Briefing Schedule mailed record left open until 4/9/11 for Resp to submit prescriptions; simultaneous briefs due 4/29/11. sh 2011-03-30 08:07:00
Transcript Sent to Shannon Kempf. tlf 2011-03-30 14:07:00
Certified to Board sh 2012-04-10 12:39:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17031692 Complaint Filed rb 2010-05-12 13:45:00
17034304 Correspondence
17035148 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 9566 1994 signed by Phyllis Schulte dated 5/28/10. nb 2010-06-01 13:08:00
17071649 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner nb 2010-10-13 14:35:00
17072748 Certificate of Serv filed of Affidavits of Vanessa Beauchamp and Redmond Young mailed 10/18/10. nb 2010-10-18 16:00:00
17073114 Correspondence
17077315 Correspondence filed by Petitioner Proposed Prehearing Order. nb 2010-11-03 16:00:00
17077316 Correspondence filed by Petitioner Proposed Pretrial Exhibit Stipulation. nb 2010-11-03 16:00:00
17079216 Correspondence
17082403 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of First Request for Admissions and First Request for Production of Documents mailed 11/24/10. nb 2010-11-24 10:00:00
17093390 Correspondence
17099353 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent by Fax. nb 2011-01-06 10:41:00
17109071 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Affidavits of Colette St. Peter and Denise Bogner mailed 3/7/11. nb 2011-03-07 15:15:00
17115704 Transcript filed Respiratory Care v. Schulte;bjb 2011-03-29 13:24:00
17115706 Correspondence
17115709 Correspondence
17115864 Correspondence
17116194 Correspondence
17125822 Brief filed by Petitioner vh. 2011-04-29 00:00:00
17219453 Correspondence
17228083 Correspondence
17553868 Decision 2012-03-08 00:00:00