Case Details
Case Number 10-0582 AF
Case Type AF Attorney Fees
Case Name Y.I.W. Home Healthcare, Inc. vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division & Department of Health & Senior Services
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2010-04-22 14:37:40
Date Closed 2011-02-18 09:07:54
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #10-0582 AF Y.I.W. Home Healthcare, Inc. vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division & Department of Health &[Mr. Stephen J. Nangle, J. Scott Stacey] Cancelled 2010-08-13 09:00:00 2010-08-13 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-Attorney Fees 9:00 AM, Friday, August 13, 2010 NTC 1 day. NOC, NOH mailed rb. 2010-04-23 14:23:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 5/10/10 to mtn for stay and to hold in abeyance. sh 2010-04-30 07:34:00
Hearing Notice sent-Attorney Fees CORRECTED adding DHSS as a party rb. 2010-05-10 08:54:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 6/18/10 to mtn to stay hrg. sh 2010-06-08 07:48:00
Order Granting Mtn to Hold in Abeyance to 07-1291 SP (underlying case in circuit court). sh 2010-06-22 07:58:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 1/17/11 to mtn to dismiss. sh 2011-01-05 07:30:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
17024456 Complaint Filed rb 2010-04-16 14:45:00
17024765 Correspondence
17025531 Motion for Stay filed by Respondent and to Hold in Abeyance. nb 2010-04-27 15:56:00
17026244 Correspondence
17028147 Correspondence
17028322 Response filed by Petitioner to motion to stay. nb 2010-05-10 13:53:00
17028558 Suggestions filed by Respondent in support of its motion for stay and to hold in abeyance. nb 2010-05-10 16:45:00
17036568 Motion filed by Respondent to Stay hearing on attorney fees. (by Fax) nb 2010-06-07 10:02:00
17036883 Correspondence
17037671 Hard Copy filed of Respondents Motion to stay hearing on attorney fees. nb 2010-06-08 15:30:00
17041148 Correspondence
17086246 Status report filed by Petitioner with copy of Final Judgment from Circuit Court of Cole County in appealed case 07-1291 SP. nb 2010-12-08 14:45:00
17092148 Correspondence
17092321 Hard Copy filed of Respondents Motion to dismiss. nb 2011-01-05 13:45:00
17093447 Objection filed by Petitioner to DHSS's mtn to dismiss and request for hearing and scheduling order (by fax). sh 2011-01-07 14:03:00
17099171 Motion to Dismiss - Respondent filed by DHSS. (by Fax) nb 2011-01-04 14:57:00
17103908 Correspondence
17553625 Decision 2011-02-18 00:00:00