Case Details
Case Number 09-1380 DB
Case Type DB DIFP/Dental Board
Case Name Missouri Dental Board vs. Mark Meyers, D.D.S.
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2009-10-09 16:20:07
Date Closed 2012-02-10 13:07:17
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #09-1380 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. Mark Meyers, D.D.S.[Ms. Loretta L. Schouten, Thomas D. Vaughn] Continued 2010-03-09 09:00:00 2010-03-09 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #09-1380 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. Mark Meyers, D.D.S.[Ms. Loretta L. Schouten, Thomas D. Vaughn] Continued 2010-06-30 09:00:00 2010-06-30 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #09-1380 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. Mark Meyers, D.D.S.[Ms. Loretta L. Schouten, Thomas D. Vaughn] Cancelled 2010-09-03 09:00:00 2010-09-03 17:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO C: #09-1380 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. Mark Meyers, D.D.S.[Thomas D. Vaughn, Tina M. Crow Halcomb] Continued 2011-05-04 09:00:00 2011-05-04 17:00:00
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO C: #09-1380 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. Mark Meyers, D.D.S.[Thomas D. Vaughn, Tina M. Crow Halcomb] Cancelled 2011-08-26 09:00:00 2011-08-26 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 9:00 AM, Tuesday, March 9, 2010 JJK 1 day. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9845 4103 7330 rb. 2009-10-26 10:45:00
Resent noc, noh certified 7160 3901 9845 9566 0430 rb. 2009-12-08 10:11:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for Resp to file answer. sh 2010-01-07 11:41:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule MARCH 9, 2010 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Wednesday, June 30, 2010 JJK 1 day rb. 2010-02-19 11:21:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule JUNE 30, 2010 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Friday, September 3, 2010 KAW 1 day rb. 2010-06-30 09:19:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 HEARING CANCELLED rb. 2010-08-30 09:10:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 10/13/10. sh 2010-10-06 08:10:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 11/30/10. sh 2010-11-17 07:41:00
Hearing Notice sent-Rescheduled Ltr 9:00am, Wednesday, May 4, 2011, KAW. JA 2011-01-21 11:27:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule hearing rescheduled for 9:00am, Friday, August 26, 2011, NTC/AHC. ja 2011-05-03 13:07:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later Petitioner's motion for continuance granted, August 26 hearing is CANCELED. Joint status report due by September 24, 2011. ja 2011-08-25 14:11:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested Joint status report due by 11/21/11. ja 2011-09-20 16:47:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by March 23, 2012. ja 2012-01-23 14:34:00
Closed-Motion of Petitioner mailed tlf 2012-02-10 13:07:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16983339 Complaint Filed rb 2009-10-05 16:30:00
16986433 Correspondence
16998998 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 9566 0430 signed by Mark Meyers dated 12/10/09 with postal mark dated 12/9/09. nb 2009-12-21 16:30:00
17001096 Motion for Ext of Time to File Answer filed by Resp. sh 2010-01-06 08:00:00
17001217 Correspondence
17009010 Answer - Respondent filed nb 2010-02-09 14:45:00
17010190 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent nb 2010-02-16 11:54:00
17011228 Correspondence
17042224 Status Report Filed by both parties jointly. nb 2010-06-24 15:09:00
17043658 Motion for Continuance - Joint filed nb 2010-06-29 16:39:00
17043783 Correspondence
17059691 Motion for Continuance - Joint filed and Status Report. nb 2010-08-27 11:32:00
17059828 Correspondence
17070109 Correspondence
17071758 Status Report Filed by Both Parties. nb 2010-10-13 16:45:00
17078942 Notice of Withdrawal as Counsel by Loretta Schouten for Petitioner. (by Fax) nb 2010-11-08 16:55:00
17080226 Correspondence
17083381 Status report filed by Petitioner by Fax. nb 2010-11-30 16:55:00
17083382 Entry of Appearance-Petitioner filed by Tina Crow Halcomb. (by Fax) nb 2010-11-30 16:54:00
17083431 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Interrogatories maield 11/30/10. nb 2010-11-30 16:57:00
17083436 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Request for Production of Documents mailed 11/30/10. nb 2010-11-30 16:57:00
17083438 Status report filed by Respondent nb 2010-11-30 16:57:00
17090774 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Response to first interrogatories and Response to first request for production of documents mailed 12/30/10. (by Fax) nb 2010-12-30 11:12:00
17097300 Correspondence
17126534 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner sh 2011-05-03 09:58:00
17126718 Correspondence
17167712 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner vh 2011-08-25 11:40:00
17167823 Correspondence
17174852 Joint Status Report vh 2011-09-20 14:18:00
17174938 Correspondence
17192736 Status Report Filed by petitioner and respondent vh 2011-11-21 00:00:00
17208198 Correspondence
17213200 Motion to Dismiss - Petitioner filed 2012-02-10 10:33:00
17213302 Correspondence