Case Details
Case Number 09-1028 MC
Case Type MC - DOT Motor Carriers
Case Name In re American Shuttle Express, LLC
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2009-07-24 09:08:08
Date Closed 2010-02-25 08:33:30
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO B: #09-1028 MC In re American Shuttle Express, LLC[Amy M. Byrne, Stephen P. Wilson] Cancelled 2009-08-31 09:00:00 2009-08-31 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #09-1028 MC In re American Shuttle Express, LLC[Amy M. Byrne, Stephen P. Wilson, Matthew Darrough] Cancelled 2009-11-04 09:00:00 2009-11-04 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Order Granting Mtn to Intervene KT Hecht, Inc and MHTC rb. 2009-07-24 10:54:00
Hearing Notice Sent-MC Contested Case 9:00 AM, Monday, August 31, 2009 JPB 1 day. NOC, NOH mailed certified rb. 2009-07-24 10:55:00
Attorney Letter mailed In state corp to Gregory Winchell, Am Shuttle rb. 2009-07-24 11:00:00
Order Issued cancel hearing scheduled for August 31, 2009. Applicant has until September 15, 2009 to have an attorney enter appearance or case will be dismissed rb. 2009-08-26 13:23:00
Hearing Notice sent-Rescheduled Ltr 9:00 AM, Wednesday, November 4, 2009 JPB 1 day rb. 2009-09-17 09:53:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later 2009-11-03 10:38:00
Order Issued - Status Report Requested by 2/22/10. sh 2010-01-08 08:42:00
Closed-Order Issued and mailed sh 2010-02-25 08:33:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16966402 DOT File Transferred application and motions to intervene rb. 2009-07-17 09:30:00
16966491 Correspondence
16966494 Correspondence
16966501 Correspondence
16967802 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 4103 5121 signed by Stephen P. Wilson without a date. nb 2009-07-29 12:32:00
16968165 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 4103 5138 signed by G?(rest is illegible) - nb 2009-07-30 12:19:00
16973382 Correspondence
16976414 Entry of Appearance-Petitioner filed by Matthew Darrough, by Fax. nb 2009-09-10 15:38:00
16977864 Correspondence
16988264 Motion filed by Intervenor KT Hecht, Inc. (BART), for Continuance. (by Fax) nb 2009-11-03 09:58:00
16988315 Response filed by MHTC stating no objections to continuance. (by Fax) nb 2009-11-03 10:32:00
16988333 Correspondence
17001444 Correspondence
17011495 Status Report Filed by MHTC. nb 2010-02-22 11:35:00
17011496 Certificate of Serv filed Corrected by MHTC of Status report sent 2/22/10. nb 2010-02-22 11:36:00
17011497 Correspondence filed by Party Withdrawal of Motion to Intervene by KT Hecht, Inc., d/b/a BART Transportation and Motion to Dismiss. (by Fax) nb 2010-02-22 11:37:00
17011597 Response filed by MHTC to Intervenors withdrawal of motion to intervene and motion to dismiss. (by Fax) nb 2010-02-22 16:12:00
17012440 Correspondence