Case Details
Case Number 09-0810 SP
Case Type SP DSS/Medical Asst & Bureau for Blind
Case Name Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division
Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2009-06-15 08:30:23
Date Closed 2011-03-01 08:15:31
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #09-0810 SP Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division[J. Scott Stacey] Cancelled 2009-11-06 09:00:00 2009-11-06 12:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #09-0810 SP Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division[J. Scott Stacey] Cancelled 2009-12-16 09:00:00 2009-12-16 12:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #09-0810 SP Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division[Christopher B. Bent, Glen D. Webb] Cancelled 2010-05-19 09:00:00 2010-05-19 17:00:00
Hearing for Oral Argument JCMO D: #09-0810 SP Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division[Christopher B. Bent, Glen D. Webb] Held 2010-05-19 09:00:00 2010-05-19 10:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #09-0810 SP Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division[Christopher B. Bent, Glen D. Webb] Continued 2010-07-20 09:00:00 2010-07-20 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #09-0810 SP Home Healthcare Services Unlimited, LLC vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division[Christopher B. Bent, Glen D. Webb] Held 2010-11-08 09:00:00 2010-11-08 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice-Discovery Ltr sent SP noc/noh 9:00 AM, Friday, November 6, 2009 NTC 3 hrs. NOC, NOH, discovery letter mailed rb 2009-06-19 10:03:00
Order Granting Motion to Seal part of answer. sh 2009-07-22 07:44:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 10/20/09 to mtn for Pet to obtain counsel or to dismiss. sh 2009-10-13 07:40:00
Order Issued Pet to have atty enter appearance by 10/29/09. sh 2009-10-21 10:39:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-Commissions Mt NOVEMBER 6, 2009 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Wednesday, Dec 16, 2009 NTC 3 hrs rb. 2009-11-03 12:47:00
Closed-Order Issued and mailed sh 2009-12-02 12:17:00
Order Issued reopen case. Pet to have atty by 1/31/10 rb. 2009-12-31 09:51:00
Hearing Notice sent-Rescheduled Ltr 9:00 AM, Wednesday, May 19, 2010 NTC 1 day rb. 2010-02-04 09:31:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 2/24/10 to mtn to dismiss. sh 2010-02-10 08:05:00
Order Denying Resps Motion to Dismiss sh 2010-03-01 11:52:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 5/14/10 to mtn to compel and to continue hrg. sh 2010-05-13 08:43:00
Order Issued will hold show cause hearing instead of evidentiary hearing on 5/19/10; will reset evidentiary hearing by separate notice. sh 2010-05-18 08:53:00
Order Issued granting Pet's mtn to participate in show cause hrg by phone. sh 2010-05-18 15:16:00
Order Issued Respondent to request discovery, Petitioner to respond in 30 days. Hearing 9:00 AM, Tuesday, July 20, 2010 SRD rb. 2010-05-19 09:15:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule JULY 20, 2010 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Monday, November 8, 2010 SRD 1 day rb. 2010-07-09 08:52:00
Transcript Letter to Pet Non-State Party 2010-12-13 16:30:00
Briefing Schedule mailed simultaneous briefs due 1/13/11; replies 1/28/11. sh 2010-12-14 07:52:00
Transcript Sent to Christopher Bent. tlf 2011-01-04 11:05:00
Exhibit Letter mailed - Request for Disposition sh 2011-04-07 09:01:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16957695 Complaint Filed - Fax rb 2009-06-12 08:45:00
16958774 Correspondence
16965165 Answer - Respondent filed not scanned. nb 2009-07-20 16:22:00
16965166 Motion filed by Respondent to Seal a portion of Its Answer. nb 2009-07-20 16:23:00
16965465 Correspondence
16983250 Motion filed by Respondent that Petitioner obtain counsel or in the alternative, Dismiss Complaint on basis of failure to obtain counsel. nb 2009-10-09 14:25:00
16983366 Correspondence
16984899 Request for 60-day extension to find an attorney, to file discovery, motions, and/or briefs by contact for Petitioner. (by Fax, non-attorney, no signature) nb 2009-10-19 09:06:00
16984925 Response filed by Petitioner to letter dated 10/13/09 - Objecting to Respondents motion. (by Fax, non-attorney, no signature) nb 2009-10-19 10:32:00
16985175 Duplicate filing of Request for 60-day extension - signed, non-attorney. (by Fax) nb 2009-10-20 08:49:00
16985176 Duplicate filing of response to 10/13/09 letter. (by Fax, non-attorney with signature) nb 2009-10-20 08:50:00
16985177 Motion filed by Petitioner to Stay, by fax from non-attorney. nb 2009-10-20 08:53:00
16985723 Correspondence
16987662 Correspondence filed by Pet to advise have found attorney, request time for said attorney to review documentation. (by Fax) nb 2009-10-29 16:42:00
16987666 Suggestions in Opposition filed by Respondent to Petitioner's response to Respondent's motion to compel petitioner to obtain counsel or in the alternative dismiss Petitioner's complaint for failure to obtain counsel, filed by fax. sh 2009-10-29 17:00:00
16988385 Correspondence
16993123 Request for clarification of order filed by Petitioner contact, by fax. nb 2009-11-24 08:52:00
16993212 Request filed by Respondent for Clarification of 11/3/09 Order. nb 2009-11-24 10:57:00
16994677 Correspondence
17000066 Request filed by Petitioner for Reinstatement of case with notification that will be represented by attorney Greg Kessler. (by Fax, from contact for Petitioner) nb 2009-12-30 17:00:00
17000111 Correspondence
17000283 Response filed by Respondent to motion for reinstatement - Suggestions in Opposition. nb 2009-12-31 16:26:00
17000360 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Motion for Reinstatement. nb 2010-01-04 11:56:00
17006265 Motion filed by Petitioner for Additional time to prepare for hearing, and Entry of Appearance by Christopher B. Bent without signature. (by Fax) nb 2010-01-29 16:03:00
17006853 Motion filed by Petitioner for Additional time to prepare for hearing, and Entry of Appearance by Christopher B. Bent with signature. (by Fax) nb 2010-02-02 09:36:00
17007433 Correspondence
17008430 Suggestions filed by Respondent in Opposition to request for continuance. nb 2010-02-05 15:30:00
17008431 Motion to Dismiss - Respondent filed and Suggestions in Support. nb 2010-02-05 15:30:00
17009311 Correspondence
17012427 Response filed by Petitioner to motion to dismiss and suggestions in suppport. (by Fax) nb 2010-02-24 16:00:00
17013515 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Response to motion to dismiss and suggestions in suppport. nb 2010-03-01 11:10:00
17013537 Correspondence
17021782 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents mailed 4/8/10. nb 2010-04-08 15:51:00
17029058 Motion to Compel Discovery filed by Resp and Motion to Continue Hearing. nb 2010-05-11 15:38:00
17029450 Correspondence
17029518 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Response to request for admissions mailed 5/10/10. nb 2010-05-13 10:14:00
17029519 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Response to first interrogatories mailed 5/10/10. nb 2010-05-13 10:15:00
17029520 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Response to first request for production of documents mailed 5/10/10. nb 2010-05-13 10:16:00
17030282 Response filed by Petitioner to motion to compel discovery. (by Fax) nb 2010-05-14 16:45:00
17030909 Correspondence
17031115 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Response to motion to compel. nb 2010-05-18 12:48:00
17031129 Request filed by Petitioner to participate in Show Cause hearing via telephone. (by Fax) nb 2010-05-18 13:32:00
17031227 Correspondence
17031560 Transcript filed Transcript of the phone call/show cause hearing filed;bjb 2010-05-19 10:56:00
17031844 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents mailed 5/19/10. nb 2010-05-19 15:52:00
17032377 Correspondence
17045840 Motion for Continuance - Joint filed by fax rb. 2010-07-08 11:42:00
17045999 Correspondence
17081001 Miscellaneous filed by Respondent Submission of Additional Documents for the record - Exhibit H, I, J, and K. nb 2010-11-18 15:15:00
17087026 Transcript filed Home Healthcare Services v. SS;bjb 2010-12-13 16:11:00
17087037 Correspondence
17087047 Correspondence
17087070 Correspondence
17091916 Correspondence
17095301 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by Petitioner, by Fax. nb 2011-01-13 16:30:00
17095303 Brief filed by Respondent nb 2011-01-13 16:45:00
17096214 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. nb 2011-01-18 11:45:00
17099299 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Motion for Additional time to prepare for hearing, and Entry of Appearance by Christopher B. Bent. nb 2010-02-02 10:00:00
17099378 Reply Brief filed by Petitioner by Fax. nb 2011-01-28 15:57:00
17099906 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Brief. nb 2011-01-31 16:45:00
17106429 Correspondence
17118707 Correspondence
17554246 Decision 2011-03-01 00:00:00