Case Details
Case Number 09-0243 MC
Case Type MC - DOT Motor Carriers
Case Name Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission vs. Vushaj Construction Inc.
Commissioner z John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2009-02-19 08:20:23
Date Closed 2010-03-17 08:45:48
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #09-0243 MC Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission vs. Vushaj Construction Inc.[Amy M. Byrne] Cancelled 2009-08-04 13:00:00 2009-08-04 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #09-0243 MC Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission vs. Vushaj Construction Inc.[Amy M. Ludwig] Cancelled 2010-03-25 13:00:00 2010-03-25 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-DOT nc nh st 1:00 PM, Tuesday, August 4, 2009, JJK 4 hrs. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9845 9565 9977 rb. 2009-03-02 13:37:00
Pro Se Ltr to Resp mailed Mtn SD-lic.corp Obj due 7/6/09 to mtn for summary decision. sh 2009-06-23 08:03:00
Order Denying Pets Mtn for Sum Determin sh 2009-07-28 12:50:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later AUGUST 4, 2009 HEARING CANCELLED rb. 2009-08-03 14:57:00
Order Granting in part Pets Mtn Sum Determin Pet to notify us by 12/23/09 if it wants hrg on rest of complaint. sh 2009-12-09 11:50:00
Hearing Notice sent-Rescheduled Ltr 1:00 PM, Thursday, March 25, 2010 JJK 4 hrs rb. 2009-12-23 09:47:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU Obj due 2/24/10 to mtn for summary decision on outstanding violations in light of additional evidence. sh 2010-02-10 08:10:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16933792 Complaint Filed rb 2009-02-13 08:45:00
16936295 Correspondence
16938021 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 9565 9977 signed by M? V? dated 3/4/09. nb 2009-03-09 13:15:00
16958803 Motion for Summary Determination filed by Petitioner. nb 2009-06-19 10:56:00
16959411 Correspondence
16967365 Correspondence
16968148 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner nb 2009-07-30 11:44:00
16968149 Motion filed by Petitioner to Reconsider Order denying summary decision. nb 2009-07-30 11:46:00
16968622 Correspondence
16995942 Correspondence
16998654 Motion to Set Hearing filed by Petitioner nb 2009-12-22 14:33:00
16998657 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of mailing First Request for Admissions 12/22/09. nb 2009-12-22 14:30:00
16998658 First Request for Admissions filed by Pet. nb 2009-12-22 14:30:00
16998828 Correspondence
17008112 Motion for Summary Decision filed by Petitioner on outstanding violations in light of additional evidence. nb 2010-02-05 11:15:00
17008113 Additional Information filed by Petitioner Attachment 1 inadvertantly left off Motion for Summary Decision. (no certificate of service showing sent to respondent) nb 2010-02-05 11:00:00
17009316 Correspondence
17009492 Copy filed by Petitioner of correspondence to Respondent about Attachment 1 inadvertantly left off Motion for Summary Decision dated 2/9/10 with attachement. nb. 2010-02-10 13:25:00
17017177 Correspondence
17554171 Decision 2010-03-17 00:00:00
17554172 Decision Order 2010-03-17 00:00:00