Case Details
Case Number 09-0025 MC
Case Type MC - DOT Motor Carriers
Case Name In re D. Gaines, Inc., d/b/a Gaines Moving & Delivery
Commissioner z John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2009-01-09 11:22:29
Date Closed 2009-04-15 08:22:44
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #09-0025 MC In re D. Gaines, Inc., d/b/a Gaines Moving & Delivery[Brainerd W. LaTourette, Jr., Megan L. Waters-Hamblin] Continued 2009-02-19 13:00:00 2009-02-19 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #09-0025 MC In re D. Gaines, Inc., d/b/a Gaines Moving & Delivery[Brainerd W. LaTourette, Jr., Megan L. Waters-Hamblin, Mr. Earl F. Seitz] Cancelled 2009-04-23 13:00:00 2009-04-23 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice Sent-MC Contested Case 1:00 PM, Thursday, Feb 19, 2009, JJK 4 hrs. NOC, NOH mailed certified rb. 2009-01-13 10:36:00
Order Granting Mtn to Intervene Fry-Wagner Moving, A-Mrazek, United Van, Seaton Van, Dodge Moving, MHTC rb. 2009-01-13 10:44:00
Attorney Letter mailed In state corp to Rodney Gaines rb. 2009-01-13 10:49:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 1/30/09 to mtn for continuance. sh 2009-01-20 07:59:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule FWB 19, 2009 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 1:00 PM, Thursday, April 23, 2009, JJK 4 hrs rb. 2009-02-03 10:41:00
Closed-Order Issued and mailed dismissing case. sh 2009-04-15 08:22:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16925085 MCHC File Transferred application with motions to intervene rb. (not scanned) 2009-01-05 13:00:00
16925344 Correspondence
16925347 Correspondence
16925353 Correspondence
16926444 Motion filed by Intervenor attorney, Mr. LaTourette, Jr., for hearing to be re-set at later date. (by Fax) nb 2009-01-16 10:42:00
16926632 Correspondence
16926919 Hard Copy filed of Motion by Intervenor attorney, Mr. LaTourette, Jr., for hearing to be re-set at later date. nb 2009-01-20 13:04:00
16926940 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 9565 8161 signed by C? Taylor dated 1/14/09. nb 2009-01-20 13:30:00
16927163 Response filed by Intervenor MHTC - no objections to motion for continuance. (by Fax) nb 2009-01-21 11:33:00
16930248 Entry of Appearance-Petitioner filed by Earl F. Seitz, with no objection to request for continuance on cover sheet. nb 2009-02-02 16:30:00
16930273 Correspondence
16944273 Request filed by Petitioner to amend authority application. nb 2009-04-10 09:56:00
16944606 Correspondence filed by Party 2009-04-13 10:16:00
16944712 Correspondence filed by Party 2009-04-13 12:43:00
16945217 Correspondence