Case Details
Case Number 08-2139 DT
Case Type DT - Department of Transportation - General
Case Name John A. Lister, Jr., d/b/a Lister Ranch vs. Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2008-12-30 10:48:02
Date Closed 2010-01-28 13:31:59
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO C: #08-2139 DT John A. Lister, Jr., d/b/a Lister Ranch vs. Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission[John S. Cauwenbergh, David E. Woodside] Held 2009-07-10 13:00:00 2009-07-10 16:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent resps answer due 1/29/09-jkw 2008-12-30 11:08:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for Resp to answer discovery requests. sh 2009-03-19 09:17:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU Obj due 4/7/09 to mtn for acceptance of documentation into fact. sh 2009-03-24 07:41:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 3/27/09 to mtn for extn of time to respond to discovery. sh 2009-03-24 07:45:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for Resp to answer discovery. sh 2009-03-30 11:53:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 4/16/09 to mtn to file additional response to request for acceptance of documentaion into fact. sh (also mailed to Lees Summit address on 4/13/09 rb) 2009-04-09 10:05:00
Order Issued granting Resp's mtn to file additional responses; denying Pet's mtn for acceptance of documentation into fact. sh 2009-04-21 10:12:00
Hearing Notice sent-noh 1:00 PM, Friday, July 10, 2009 NTC 3 hrs rb. 2009-04-22 09:48:00
Order Issued granting mtn to strike certificate of service filed 4/23/09. sh 2009-05-05 12:19:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for Resp to respond to request for production of documents. sh 2009-05-27 07:52:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for Resp to respond to request for production of docs. sh 2009-06-08 10:07:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU Obj due 6/24/09 to mtn for sanctions. sh 2009-06-18 08:15:00
Order Granting Extension of Time 2009-06-25 09:40:00
Order Issued denying Pet's mtn for sanctions and Resp's mtn for protective order. sh 2009-06-30 13:52:00
Transcript Letter to Pet Non-State Party 2009-08-14 08:03:00
Transcript Sent to 2009-10-29 16:26:00
Order Denying Resps Mtn to Reconsider sh 2010-03-02 09:13:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16922902 Complaint Filed jkw 2008-12-30 11:02:00
16922906 Correspondence
16930001 Answer - Respondent filed by FAX - ds 2009-02-02 13:27:00
16932798 Request filed by Petitioner for Disclosure. nb 2009-02-13 14:49:00
16939062 Motion filed by Respondent First for Enlargement of Time to Respond to first set of discovery requests. And Objections. (by Fax) nb 2009-03-16 08:51:00
16939064 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of Objections and First Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to first set of discovery requests mailed 3/13/09. (by Fax) nb 2009-03-16 08:45:00
16939837 Correspondence
16940335 Request filed by Petitioner for acceptance of documentation into fact. nb 2009-03-20 16:30:00
16940346 Motion for Extension of Time filed Second by Respondent to Respond to discovery requests. (by Fax) nb 2009-03-20 16:58:00
16940587 Correspondence
16940591 Correspondence
16940977 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of Response to first request for disclosure. nb 2009-03-25 14:04:00
16941682 Correspondence
16943627 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of Response to first request for acceptance. (by Fax) nb 2009-04-08 08:14:00
16943865 Motion for Leave to file additional Response to request for acceptance of documentation into fact. (by Fax) nb 2009-04-08 17:00:00
16943931 Correspondence
16944581 Certificate of Serv filed by fax Corrected, of Respondent's response to Petitioner's first "request for acceptance." sh 2009-04-13 10:01:00
16946193 Correspondence
16946410 Correspondence
16946975 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Interrogatories and First Requests for Admissions mailed 5/23/09. (by Fax) nb 2009-04-23 16:59:00
16947353 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Request for Production of Disclosure (production of documents) mailed 4/23/09. nb 2009-04-27 14:56:00
16947874 Request filed by Respondent to disregard Certificate of Service filed 4/23/09. Service did not happen for discovery or certificate of service mentioned in filing. (by Fax) nb 2009-04-28 17:00:00
16949513 Correspondence
16954060 Motion for Extension of Time filed by Respondent to Respond to first request for production of documents. (by Fax) nb 2009-05-26 10:23:00
16954196 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Request for Disclosure mailed 5/20/09. nb 2009-05-26 10:15:00
16954287 Correspondence
16956559 Motion for Extension of Time filed Second by Respondent to Respond to first request for production of documents. (by Fax) nb 2009-06-05 16:53:00
16956594 Correspondence
16957515 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of Response to first request for production of documents mailed 6/12/09. (by Fax) nb 2009-06-12 14:22:00
16958184 Request filed by Petitioner for Production of Documents and Sanctions. nb 2009-06-16 15:17:00
16958440 Correspondence
16960370 Request filed by Respondent for Extension of time to file Response to second request for disclosure, request for production of documents and sanctions. (by Fax) nb 2009-06-25 08:27:00
16960478 Correspondence
16960766 Response filed by Respondent to second request for disclosure request for production of documents and sanctions, and Respondents First MOTION for PROTECTIVE ORDER. nb 2009-06-25 17:00:00
16960772 Copy filed by Respondent of Response to second request for disclosure request for production of documents and sanctions, and Respondents First MOTION for PROTECTIVE ORDER. (by Fax, without exhibits) nb 2009-06-26 08:26:00
16961423 Correspondence
16970906 Transcript filed Lister v. MHTC;bjb 2009-08-13 10:11:00
16971075 Correspondence
16971077 Correspondence
16987661 Correspondence
17005787 Correspondence
17013468 Motion for Reconsideration filed by Respondent by Fax. nb 2010-02-26 16:45:00
17013805 Correspondence
17554156 Decision 2010-01-28 00:00:00