Case Details
Case Number 08-0538 RS
Case Type RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax
Case Name Union Electric Co & Edmonston Gin Co. vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner Nimrod T. Chapel, Jr.
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2008-03-24 12:02:25
Date Closed 2008-07-30 14:38:24
Case Appointments
No appointments
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Notice of Complaint and Rules sent Resps answer due 4/23/08 - ds 2008-03-24 12:13:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 5/8/08 to mtn to change case caption and mtn to dismiss. sh 2008-04-24 07:53:00
Order Issued Resp to serve mtn to change caption and mtn to dismiss on UE; UE may respond to mtns by 14 days after service. sh 2008-06-06 09:14:00
Objection Letter to Pet sent Obj due 6/26/08 to second mtn to dismiss and second mtn to change caption. sh 2008-06-12 08:05:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16855815 Complaint Filed REV brought over - ds 2008-03-21 12:15:00
16855819 Correspondence
16864278 Motion filed by Respondent to change case caption rb. 2008-04-23 15:12:00
16864279 Motion to Dismiss - Respondent filed for lack of standing by Petitioner rb. 2008-04-23 15:14:00
16864326 Correspondence
16876316 Correspondence
16876667 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of Motion to Dismiss and Motion to change case caption mailed 6/9/08. nb 2008-06-09 14:15:00
16876668 Motion filed by Respondent Second, to Change Case Caption. nb 2008-06-09 14:19:00
16876669 Motion to Dismiss - Respondent filed Second. nb 2008-06-09 14:22:00
16877508 Correspondence
16889228 Correspondence
17553139 Decision 2008-07-30 00:00:00