Case Details
Case Number 08-0031 CB
Case Type CB DIFP/Bd of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners
Case Name Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners vs. Yen Thi Bach Pham
Commissioner z John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2008-01-09 13:02:10
Date Closed 2008-09-16 13:34:16
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMo K: #08-0031 CB Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners vs. Yen Thi Bach Pham[Tina M. Crow Halcomb] Cancelled 2008-07-08 09:00:00 2008-07-08 10:00:00
Pre Hearing Conference Set for JCMO by phone K: #08-0031 CB Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners vs. Yen Thi Bach Pham[Tina M. Crow Halcomb] Held 2008-06-17 13:30:00 2008-06-17 14:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt nc/nh/dk/st 9:00 AM, Tuesday, July 8, 2008, JJK. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9849 5833 8617 rb. 2008-01-18 10:32:00
Returned Mail Resent to Respondent noc, noh to Yen Thi Bach Pham, 14609 E. 41st Street, Independence, MO 64055 certified 7160 3901 9845 4103 3110 rb. 2008-02-21 15:45:00
Pro Se Ltr to Resp mailed SD-admissions-lic.indiv Obj due 6/2/08 to mtn for summary determination. sh 2008-05-12 08:13:00
Order Denying Pets Mtn for Sum Determin ation. Mailed 6/18/08. sh 2008-06-17 09:00:00
Order Issued Petitioner to file witness information by June 30, 2008 rb. 2008-06-26 16:23:00
Order Issued July 8, 2008, HEARING CANCELLED; will reset by separate notice. sh 2008-07-01 10:22:00
Closed-Motion of Petitioner mailed jkw 2008-09-16 13:34:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16838364 Correspondence
16845153 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9849 5833 8617 marked Unclaimed and Postage Due (four times) nb 2008-02-11 10:15:00
16848844 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9845 4103 3110 signed by Pham Thi Bach Yen dated 2/25/08. nb 2008-02-27 14:12:00
16856924 Request for Admissions filed by Petitioner. nb 2008-03-27 11:08:00
16856925 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Request for Admissions mailed 3/24/08. nb 2008-03-27 11:09:00
16868600 Affidavit filed by Petitioner in support of motion for summary determination. nb 2008-05-09 11:26:00
16868601 Motion for Summary Determination filed by Petitioner. nb 2008-05-09 11:27:00
16868725 Correspondence
16870502 Request filed by Respondent for Telephone conference with Answers to request for admissions. (by Fax) nb 2008-05-15 13:39:00
16879417 Correspondence
16879849 Transcript filed Cosmetology v. Pham;bjb 2008-06-19 15:16:00
16881373 Correspondence
16881927 Exclusionary Dates for Hrg filed by Pet. and Witness info, by Fax. nb 2008-06-30 09:06:00
16882337 Correspondence
16899469 Dismissal of Complaint filed by Petitioner, by Fax. nb 2008-09-16 09:30:00
16899477 Correspondence