Case Details
Case Number 07-2085 RS
Case Type RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax
Case Name, Inc., d/b/a vs. Director of Revenue
Commissioner z John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2007-12-19 10:57:26
Date Closed 2008-06-06 15:15:00
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for - Docket JCMO K: #07-2085 RS, Inc., d/b/a vs. Director of Revenue[Mr. Roger L. Freudenberg] Held 2008-06-05 09:00:00 2008-06-05 10:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-Dkt DOR Atty Ltr 9:00 AM, Thursday, June 5, 2008, JJK rb. 2008-03-03 11:31:00
Attorney Letter mailed In state corp sh 2008-05-23 10:20:00
Closed-Dismissal Rev mailed Resp Mt at Hrg no show - ds 2008-06-06 15:00:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16830655 Correspondence
16849951 Correspondence
16872633 Correspondence
16874301 Motion to Dismiss - DOR filed ds 2008-05-30 15:47:00
16875776 Returned Mail Received - Attorney Letter marked Attempted, not known, unable to forward, AND second label underneath stating No forwarding order on file. nb 2008-06-05 09:37:00
16876100 Correspondence