Case Details
Case Number 07-0394 SP
Case Type SP DSS/Medical Asst & Bureau for Blind
Case Name GGNSC Independence II, LLC, d/b/a Golden Livingcenter-Independence & Beverly Enterprises-Missouri, Inc., d/b/a Beverly Healthcare of Independence vs. Department of Social Services, Division of Medical Services
Commissioner John J. Kopp
Case Status Consolidated
Date Created 2007-03-23 09:14:49
Date Closed 2007-05-01 11:33:53
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #07-0394 SP GGNSC Independence II, LLC, d/b/a Golden Livingcenter-Independence & Beverly Enterprises-Missouri, Inc., d/b/a[Mr. Harvey M. Tettlebaum, Mr. Robert L. Hess, II, Mr. David P. Hart] Cancelled 2007-08-14 09:00:00 2007-08-15 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice-Discovery Ltr sent SP noc/noh 9:00 AM, Tuesday, August 14, 2007 thru Wednesday, August 15, 2007, JJK 2 days. NOC, NOH, discovery letter mailed rb. 2007-03-28 15:30:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16764496 Complaint Filed rb 2007-03-22 09:30:00
16765594 Correspondence
16766208 Motion to Dismiss - Respondent filed OR alternatively for Summary Determination. nb 2007-03-28 16:30:00
16766251 Motion filed by Respondent for Oral Argument on its Motion to Dismiss OR alternatively for Summary Determination. nb 2007-03-29 16:36:00
16767221 Motion filed by Petitioner Application for Stay Order. nb 2007-03-30 14:00:00
16767222 Motion filed by Petitioner for Oral Argument on the application for stay order. nb 2007-03-30 14:00:00
16767223 Miscellaneous filed letter confirming continued Federal financial participation. nb 2007-04-02 14:30:00
16767224 Amended Complaint filed by Petitioner. nb 2007-04-02 14:30:00
16767324 Suggestions in Opposition filed by Petitioner to Motion to Dismiss or alternatively for Summary Determination. nb 2007-04-03 16:47:00
16767614 Correspondence
16770759 Objection filed by Respondent to consolidation of appeals and Motion for Reconsideration of its Motion to dismiss. nb 2007-04-18 16:00:00
16771228 Suggestions in Opposition filed by Petitioner to Respondents objections to consolidation of appeals and motion for reconsideration of its motion to dismiss. nb 2007-04-23 16:30:00