Case Details
Case Number 07-0076 RE
Case Type RE DIFP/Bd Of Real Estate Commission
Case Name Missouri Real Estate Commission vs. Royal Realty of Southeastern Missouri, Inc., d/b/a Royal Realty & Carroll L. Randolph
Commissioner z Terry M. Jarrett
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2007-01-17 15:52:07
Date Closed 2007-04-11 09:36:02
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO J: #07-0076 RE Missouri Real Estate Commission vs. Royal Realty of Southeastern Missouri, Inc., d/b/a Royal Realty & Carroll [Rex Patrick Fennessey] Cancelled 2007-08-14 09:00:00 2007-08-14 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 9:00 AM, Tuesday, August 14, 2007, TMJ 1 day. NOC, NOH mailed certified to Carroll Randolph 7160 3901 9849 5833 3896 and certified to Royal Realty 7160 3901 9849 5833 3889 rb. 2007-01-22 13:41:00
Returned Mail Resent to Respondent noc, noh to Carroll Randolph at 1613 North Douglas St., Malden, MO 63863 certified 7160 3901 9849 5833 3698 and to Carroll Randolph at 1039 County Road 278, Gideon, MO 63848 certified 7160 3901 9849 5833 3681. Addresses provided by petitioner rb. 2007-02-01 10:27:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16751324 Complaint Filed rb 2007-01-17 15:54:00
16752006 Correspondence
16753504 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9849 5833 3889 signed by S? Darnell dated 1/24/07. nb 2007-01-29 10:50:00
16753630 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9849 5833 3896 marked Addressee unknown. nb 2007-01-29 13:35:00
16768940 Motion to Dismiss - Petitioner filed pursuant to a settlement agreement. Including current address for Respondent. nb 2007-04-10 15:45:00
16768962 Correspondence