Case Details
Case Number 06-0012 HRC
Case Type HRC Human Rights Commission
Case Name State of Missouri, ex. rel. Rockwell E. Pilot vs. Independence Gas & Speedy Mart
Commissioner z John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2006-12-04 13:16:24
Date Closed 2007-07-30 09:30:39
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #06-0012 HRC State of Missouri, ex. rel. Rockwell E. Pilot vs. Independence Gas & Speedy Mart[] Cancelled 2007-06-04 09:00:00 2007-06-04 17:00:00
Pre Hearing Conference Set for JCMO by phone K: #06-0012 HRC State of Missouri, ex. rel. Rockwell E. Pilot vs. Independence Gas & Speedy Mart[Cyrus Dashtaki] Cancelled 2007-06-04 09:00:00 2007-06-04 10:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #06-0012 HRC State of Missouri, ex. rel. Rockwell E. Pilot vs. Independence Gas & Speedy Mart[Cyrus Dashtaki] Cancelled 2007-07-05 09:00:00 2007-07-05 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-HRC non housing 9:00 AM, Monday, June 4, 2007, JJK 1 day. Notice mailed to parties certified rb. 2006-12-14 10:14:00
Returned Mail Resent to Petitioner noc, noh to Rockwell E. Pilot to 8841 E. 23rd Street, KCMO 64129 certified mail 7160 3901 9849 5833 3728. Address provided by HRC rb. 2007-01-30 08:45:00
Returned Mail Resent to Respondent noc, noh to Stephanie G. Hazelton, Registered Agent, Independence Gas & Speedy Mart, 4600 Madison, KCMO 64112, certified 7160 3901 9849 5833 3735. Address provided by HRC rb. 2007-01-30 08:45:00
Resent with Letter by Regular Mail to Rockwell E. Pilot, 8841 E. 23rd Street, KCMO 64129 certified 7160 3901 9849 5833 3339 rb. 2007-03-01 09:14:00
Personal Service Packet-Human Rights Commission noc, noh for Rockwell Pilot sent to AG for HRC rb. 2007-03-07 11:27:00
HRC Scheduling Order PHC 9:00 AM, Monday, June 4, 2007, hearing 9:00 AM, Thursday, July 5, 2007, JJK 1 day rb. 2007-03-19 07:46:00
Closed-Recommended Order sh 2007-07-30 09:30:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16743003 HRC File Transferred rb 2006-11-29 13:30:00
16745249 Correspondence
16745823 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9849 5833 4480 signed by Ed Scotty dated 12/16/06. nb 2006-12-18 13:12:00
16747162 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9849 5833 4497 marked ANK (attempted not known) nb 2006-12-26 14:31:00
16749982 Returned Mail Received - NOC/NOH 7160 3901 9849 5833 4503 to Rockwell E. Pilot marked Not Deliverable as addressed unable to forward AND Unclaimed. nb 2007-01-10 15:35:00
16754940 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9849 5833 3735 signed by Stephanie Hazelton dated 2/1/07. nb 2007-02-05 16:37:00
16759620 Correspondence
16760258 Returned Mail Received - Hearing Notice NOC and copy of complaint - 7160 3901 9849 5833 3728 marked Unclaimed, unable to forward, and in hand writing (not enough money for restricted) nb 2007-03-05 11:27:00
16760492 Miscellaneous filed by Janet Davis Baker to confirm she does not represent Independence Gas and Speedy Mart, Inc. in this matter. nb 2007-03-06 10:21:00
16760751 Correspondence
16763073 Correspondence
16769883 Returned Mail Received - Order 7160 3901 9849 5833 3049 (Rockwell Pilot)scheduling prehearing conference and hearing marked Unclaimed, unable to forward. nb 2007-04-16 13:12:00
16781585 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner of Prehearing and hearing. nb 2007-06-04 11:32:00
16781590 Correspondence
16790898 Status report filed by Petitioner with Settlement and Release Agreement. Will file motion to dismiss upon full compliance of Respondent. nb 2007-07-09 10:53:00
16797037 Motion to Dismiss - Petitioner filed per settlement agreement. nb 2007-07-26 11:18:00
16797852 Correspondence