Case Details
Case Number 05-1634 HA
Case Type HA DED/Bd of Reg. For Healing Arts
Case Name Romeo J. Perez, M.D. vs. State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
Commissioner z June Striegel Doughty
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2005-11-04 14:32:59
Date Closed 2006-11-28 10:15:38
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #05-1634 HA Romeo J. Perez, M.D. vs. State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts[Francis E. Pennington, III, Laurie A. Shea, William E. Roberts] Continued 2006-04-03 09:00:00 2006-04-03 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #05-1634 HA Romeo J. Perez, M.D. vs. State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts[Francis E. Pennington, III, Laurie A. Shea, William E. Roberts] Held 2006-04-14 09:00:00 2006-04-14 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/ns 9:00 AM, Monday, Apr 3, 2006, KAW one day. NOC, NOH mailed rb. 2005-11-08 09:31:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule APRIL 3, 2006 HEARING CONTINUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Friday, April 14, 2006, KAW one day rb. 2006-01-24 11:20:00
Briefing Schedule mailed Ptr 6/12/06 - Resp 7/12/06; reply 7/27/06. sh 2006-05-11 07:34:00
Briefing Schedule Revised mailed Ptr 6/19/06 - Resp 7/19/06; reply 8/1/06. sh 2006-06-09 08:16:00
Order Issued granting Ptr's mtn to file reply brief out of time. tb 2006-08-04 15:18:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16657243 Complaint Filed - Fax rb 2005-11-04 14:37:00
16657658 Hard Copy filed of Complaint rb 2005-11-07 08:15:00
16657785 Correspondence
16661537 Answer - Respondent filed ds 2005-11-30 16:11:00
16670799 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner by Fax. nb 2006-01-17 16:30:00
16672052 Correspondence
16687596 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of certified documents and affidavit of Tina Steiman dated 4/6/06. nb 2006-04-07 15:34:00
16694841 Transcript filed by Midwest Litigation, Pamela Fick, 91 pages, original plus copy with disk. nb 2006-05-10 13:20:00
16694856 Memorandum filed by Respondent, of Filing - with Exhibit E and F. nb 2006-05-10 13:53:00
16694993 Correspondence
16702192 Request filed by Petitioner for Additional Time to file Brief. (by Fax) nb 2006-06-08 16:05:00
16702228 Correspondence
16705036 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by Petitioner, by Fax. nb 2006-06-20 08:32:00
16705037 Brief filed by Petitioner by Fax. nb 2006-06-20 08:32:00
16706019 Memorandum filed by Respondent of Filing transcript of deposition of R. Eugene Holemon, MD. nb 2006-06-22 10:35:00
16713472 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by Respondent. nb 2006-07-19 15:15:00
16716984 Motion for Leave-file Brief Out of Time filed by Petitioner, Reply, with Reply Brief RECEIVED. (by Fax) nb 2006-08-04 13:55:00
16717036 Correspondence
16741799 Correspondence
17552694 Decision 2006-11-28 00:00:00