Case Details
Case Number 05-0304 DB
Case Type DB DED/Dental Board
Case Name Missouri Dental Board vs. William T. Kane, D.D.S.
Commissioner z June Striegel Doughty
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2005-03-03 13:14:56
Date Closed 2006-04-21 09:22:42
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #05-0304 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. William T. Kane, D.D.S.[Ms. Nanci R. Wisdom, Ms. Sherry L. Doctorian] Continued 2005-07-25 09:00:00 2005-07-25 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO D: #05-0304 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. William T. Kane, D.D.S.[Ms. Nanci R. Wisdom, Ms. Sherry L. Doctorian] Continued 2005-10-28 09:00:00 2005-10-28 17:00:00
Pre Hearing Conference Set for JCMO by phone D: #05-0304 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. William T. Kane, D.D.S.[Ms. Nanci R. Wisdom, Ms. Sherry L. Doctorian] Held 2006-03-30 14:30:00 2006-03-30 15:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 9:00 AM, Monday, July 25, 2005, JSD one day. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9848 1204 5811 rb. 2005-03-03 13:21:00
Resent noc, noh certified to PO Box 246, Dexter, MO 63841 7160 3901 9848 1204 5705 rb. 2005-03-17 08:53:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule JULY 25, 2005 HEARING CONTINUED, ORDER ISSUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Friday, October 28, 2005, JSD one day rb. 2005-07-18 13:17:00
Order Granting Pet Mt-Leave-file 1st Amend Compl Amended Compl. filed as of 7/22/05. sh 2005-07-26 08:12:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU Obj due 8/29/05 to mtn for extension of time. sh 2005-08-24 09:00:00
Order Issued giving Ptr add'l 15 days to answer discovery. sh 2005-08-30 08:02:00
Discovery Letter to Petitioner mailed nb 2005-09-06 11:22:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later OCTOBER 28, 2005 HEARING CANCELLED rb. 2005-11-01 08:10:00
Objection Letter to Resp sent - ROBDU Obj due 2/3/06 to mtn to reset for hearing. sh 2006-01-20 13:31:00
Certified to Board sh 2006-05-23 08:33:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16601044 Complaint Filed rb 2005-03-03 13:17:00
16601050 Correspondence
16603367 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 1204 5811 signed by Kimberly Lacy dated 3/8/05 with and also Business, cant restrict, with business address marked out. nb 2005-03-11 15:00:00
16605447 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 1204 5705 signed by Kimberly Lacy without a date, marked Business-can't restrict in box D. nb 2005-03-25 11:00:00
16607081 Answer - Respondent filed nb 2005-03-31 11:30:00
16632230 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent nb 2005-07-15 16:00:00
16632522 Correspondence
16633059 Certificate of Serv filed by Respondent of First Set of Interrogatories and FIrst Request for Production of Documents mailed 7/19/05. nb 2005-07-19 16:45:00
16633994 Motion for Leave-file Amended Complaint with Amended Complaint received - by Petitioner. nb 2005-07-22 13:45:00
16634560 Correspondence
16642021 Notice to Take Deposition filed by Petitioner of Respondent on 10/9/05 at 10:00am. nb 2005-08-22 11:30:00
16642022 Answer to 1st Amended Complaint filed by Respondent. nb 2005-08-22 11:30:00
16642023 Motion for Extension of Time filed by Petitioner to file answers to Interrogatories and Production of Documents requests. (by Fax) nb 2005-08-22 15:30:00
16642246 Correspondence
16642337 Hard Copy filed of Motion for Extension of Time by Petitioner. nb 2005-08-24 11:15:00
16642363 Notice to Take Deposition filed AMENDED, by Petitioner of Respondent on 10/7/05 at 10:00am. (by Fax) nb 2005-08-24 11:38:00
16643037 Objection filed by Respondent to Motion for Extension of Time. nb 2005-08-26 14:15:00
16643403 Hard Copy filed by Petitioner of Amended Notice of Deposition of Dr. William Kane 10/7/05 at 10:00am. nb 2005-08-29 14:45:00
16643443 Correspondence
16644725 Correspondence
16648341 Certificate of Serv filed Responses to First Set of Interrogatories, Responses to Request for Production of Documents mailed 9/1/05. nb 2005-09-23 14:15:00
16655530 Transcript filed by Petitioner of Deposition of William T. Kane dated 10/7/05. nb 2005-10-28 10:30:00
16655703 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent nb 2005-10-28 16:00:00
16655948 Correspondence
16671248 Motion to Reset Hearing filed by Petitioner, by Fax. nb 2006-01-19 17:00:00
16671506 Correspondence
16671723 Hard Copy filed of Petitioners Motion to Re-set hearing. nb 2006-01-23 10:15:00
16673397 Response filed by Respondent to Motion to Reset hearing. (by Fax) nb 2006-01-31 08:45:00
16673522 Hard Copy filed of Respondents Response to Motion to Reset hearing. nb 2006-01-31 13:45:00
16679202 Copy of correspondence filed by Respondent to Petitioner about settlement documents. (by Fax) nb 2006-02-27 15:45:00
16680982 Copy of correspondence filed by Respondent to Petitioner. (by Fax) nb 2006-03-07 16:45:00
16683571 Motion for Leave-file Amended Complaint Second with Second Amended Complaint received. nb 2006-03-20 15:35:00
16683576 Joint Stip Waiver Hrg w/ Consent Ord filed nb 2006-03-20 15:37:00
16690349 Correspondence
16698277 Correspondence
17552636 Decision 2006-04-21 00:00:00