Case Details
Case Number 04-1359 SE
Case Type SE Sec of State Securities
Case Name Commissioner of Securities vs. Christopher John Jacob
Commissioner z June Striegel Doughty
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2004-10-12 14:33:56
Date Closed 2006-06-26 07:41:35
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #04-1359 SE Commissioner of Securities vs. Christopher John Jacob[Robert L. Ortbals, Jr., Mr. J. Kent Lowry, Edward R. Spalty, Joseph C. Coates, III] Continued 2005-03-15 09:00:00 2005-03-15 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #04-1359 SE Commissioner of Securities vs. Christopher John Jacob[Robert L. Ortbals, Jr., Mr. J. Kent Lowry, Edward R. Spalty, Joseph C. Coates, III] Continued 2005-07-14 09:00:00 2005-07-14 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #04-1359 SE Commissioner of Securities vs. Christopher John Jacob[Robert L. Ortbals, Jr., Mr. J. Kent Lowry, Edward R. Spalty, Joseph C. Coates, III] Continued 2005-09-20 09:00:00 2005-09-20 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO W: #04-1359 SE Commissioner of Securities vs. Christopher John Jacob[Robert L. Ortbals, Jr., Mr. J. Kent Lowry, Edward R. Spalty, Joseph C. Coates, III] Cancelled 2005-10-04 09:00:00 2005-10-04 17:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 9:00 AM, Tuesday, March 15, 2005, KAW one day. NOC, NOH mailed certified 7160 3901 9848 1204 8089 rb. 2004-10-14 13:27:00
Order Granting Extension of Time for Resp. to file answer - denying mtn to appear as visiting attorney at this time. sh 2004-11-22 12:22:00
Order Issued granting motion for admission pro hac vice. sh 2004-11-30 08:05:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule MARCH 15, 2005 HEARING CONTINUED, ORDER ISSUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Thursday, July 14, 2005, KAW one day rb. 2005-02-08 10:19:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule JULY 14, 2005 HEARING CONTINUED, ORDER ISSUED. Reschedule 9:00 AM, Tuesday, September 20, 2005, KAW one day rb. 2005-06-09 09:25:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 HEARING CONTINUED, reschedule 9:00 AM, Tuesday, October 4, 2005, KAW one day rb. 2005-09-19 07:48:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-reschedule later 2005-09-30 15:43:00
Order Show Cause Why it Should Not be Set for Hrg by Dec 30, 2005 rb. 2005-12-07 09:16:00
Order Show Cause Why it Should Not be Set for Hrg by 6/23/06. sh 2006-06-09 07:55:00
Closed-Motion of Petitioner mailed ds 2006-06-26 07:41:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16572574 Complaint Filed rb 2004-10-12 14:35:00
16573012 Correspondence
16573831 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 1204 8089 signed by Chris Jacob dated 10/10/04 by postal stamp on back. nb 2004-10-18 13:45:00
16579496 Copy of correspondence filed by Respondent to Petitioner about representation of Respondent by Joseph C. Coates, III (out of state) and extension of time to answer complaint. (by Fax) nb 2004-11-15 14:00:00
16579769 Certificate of Serv - Interrogatories filed by Petitioner. nb 2004-11-16 15:45:00
16579772 Certificate of Serv - Rqst for Prod of Docs filed by Petitioner. nb 2004-11-16 15:45:00
16580550 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed by J. Kent Lowry and Edward R. Spalty. nb 2004-11-19 08:15:00
16580552 Motion filed to Appear as Visiting Attorney by Joseph C. Coates III, Esq. for Respondent. nb 2004-11-19 08:15:00
16580557 Motion for Ext of Time to File Answer filed by Respondents attorneys. nb 2004-11-19 08:15:00
16580801 Correspondence
16581239 Motion filed by Respondent for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Joseph C. Coates III with Receipt from Clerk of Supreme Court of Missouri. nb 2004-11-23 16:30:00
16581891 Correspondence
16582337 Answer - Respondent filed and Affirmative Defenses. nb 2004-11-29 11:15:00
16595738 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner nb 2005-02-07 12:30:00
16595910 Correspondence
16622742 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Second Request for Documents sent 6/7/05. nb 2005-06-07 15:30:00
16622743 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Second Set of Interrogatories sent 6/7/05. nb 2005-06-07 15:30:00
16623191 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner nb 2005-06-08 16:15:00
16623323 Correspondence
16628829 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner to First Request for Production of Documents mailed 6/30/05. nb 2005-06-30 16:00:00
16640198 Notice to Take Deposition filed by Petitioner of Christopher John Jacob 9/2/05 at 9:00am. nb 2005-08-15 08:45:00
16642186 Notice to Take Deposition filed by Petitioner of Christopher John Jacob on 9/7/05 at 9:00am. nb 2005-08-23 16:45:00
16644369 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of First Supplemental Response to First Request for Production of Documents faxed and mailed 9/2/05. nb 2005-09-02 11:30:00
16646856 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of Second Supplemental Response to First Request for Production of Documents 9/15/05. nb 2005-09-15 16:15:00
16647036 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner (Agreed to) by FAX - ds 2005-09-16 16:10:00
16647041 Correspondence
16649909 Motion for Continuance filed by Petitioner Agreed to due to settlement - by FAX - ds 2005-09-30 15:25:00
16649927 Correspondence
16662760 Correspondence
16667214 Response filed by Petitioner to Order to Show Cause. nb 2005-12-28 14:30:00
16702223 Correspondence
16706592 Notice of Dismissal filed by Petitioner. nb 2006-06-23 13:08:00
16706753 Correspondence