Case Details
Case Number 04-1152 CS
Case Type CS DED/Bd of Cosmetology
Case Name State Board of Cosmetology vs. Olivia Desouza, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie & Penda Ndiaye, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie
Commissioner John J. Kopp
Case Status Archived
Date Created 2004-08-27 07:57:00
Date Closed 2005-09-23 09:03:56
Case Appointments
Type Location Attendees Subject Status Begin End
Hearing Set for JCMo K: #04-1152 CS State Board of Cosmetology vs. Olivia Desouza, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie & Penda Ndiaye, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie[Shelly A. Kintzel, Jamie J. Cox, Angela Habeebullah] Continued 2005-01-27 09:00:00 2005-01-27 13:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #04-1152 CS State Board of Cosmetology vs. Olivia Desouza, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie & Penda Ndiaye, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie[Shelly A. Kintzel, Jamie J. Cox, Angela Habeebullah] Continued 2005-04-13 13:00:00 2005-04-13 17:00:00
Hearing Set for JCMO K: #04-1152 CS State Board of Cosmetology vs. Olivia Desouza, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie & Penda Ndiaye, d/b/a Olivia's Braiderie[Shelly A. Kintzel, Jamie J. Cox, Angela Habeebullah] Held 2005-05-19 10:00:00 2005-05-19 12:00:00
Reason Comments Date Sent Documents
Hearing Notice sent-nc/nh/st 9:00 AM, Thursday, January 27, 2004, JJK four hours. NOC, NOH mailed certified to Desouza 7160 3901 9848 1204 8980 and certified to Ndiaye 7160 3901 9848 1204 8973 rb 2004-08-27 08:35:00
Personal Service packet sent to Petitioner for Olivia Desouza and Penda Ndiaye, noc, noh rb. 2004-09-13 10:30:00
Resent noc, noh to Ndiaye at African Hair Braiding, 544 Newton Road, Suite 140, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 certified 7160 3901 9848 1204 7914 rb. 2004-10-28 13:32:00
Order Granting Mt-File Answer Out of Time Resps shall file answer by 1/14/05. sh 2005-01-07 07:32:00
Hearing Notice sent-Ord Grant Contin-Reschedule JANUARY 27, 2005 HEARING CONTINUED, ORDER ISSUED. Reschedule 1:00 PM, Wednesday, April 13, 2005, JJK four hours rb. 2005-01-25 08:36:00
Hearing Contin Granted Ord mailed-Commissions Mt APRIL 13, 2005 HEARING CONTINUED, ORDER ISSUED. Reschedule 10:00 AM, Thursday, May 19, 2005, JJK two hours rb. 2005-04-07 09:20:00
Transcript Sent to Pet State Attorney 2005-06-02 09:59:00
Transcript Letter to Resp Non-State Party 2005-06-02 10:00:00
Briefing Schedule mailed Ptr brief due 7/5/05 - Resp 8/4/05; reply 8/19/05. sh 2005-06-03 09:28:00
Certified to Board sh 2005-10-24 09:57:00
Case Documents
ID Type Comments Date Received
16564393 Complaint Filed rb 2004-08-26 08:15:00
16564433 Correspondence
16565191 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 1204 8980 signed by Nane ? Mara(?) dated 8/30/04. nb 2004-08-31 08:30:00
16565248 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 1204 8973 signed by Nane ? Nara(?) dated 8/30/04. nb 2004-09-01 09:45:00
16567213 Correspondence
16572301 Personal Service Completed on filed upon Olivia Desouza on 10/6/04 at . nb 2004-10-08 17:00:00
16572307 Correspondence filed by Pet to advise of out of state address for Penda Ndiaye. Requesting certified mail service for her at African Hair Braid. nb 2004-10-08 17:00:00
16577680 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 1204 7914 signed by Penda Ndiaye dated 11/1/04. nb 2004-11-04 11:15:00
16578649 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of First Request for Admissions, First Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents to Olivia Desouza. nb 2004-11-09 11:00:00
16583573 Entry of Appearance-Petitioner filed by Jamie J. Cox. nb 2004-12-07 10:45:00
16583582 Certificate of Serv filed by Petitioner of First Request for Admissions, First Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents to Penda Ndiaye mailed 12/6/04. nb 2004-12-07 10:45:00
16589044 Entry of Appearance-Respondent filed by Angela Habeebullah. (by Fax) nb 2005-01-03 15:15:00
16589982 Motion for Leave-file Ans Out of Time filed by Respondents. (by Fax) nb 2005-01-06 15:00:00
16590124 Correspondence
16591317 Answer - Respondent filed by fax nb 2005-01-13 11:00:00
16592869 Motion for Continuance filed by Respondent by Fax. nb 2005-01-24 13:15:00
16592979 Correspondence
16608097 Correspondence
16621570 Transcript filed Cosmetology vs. Olivia's -bjb 2005-06-02 09:58:00
16621572 Correspondence
16621575 Correspondence
16621843 Correspondence
16623695 Proposed Find of Fact/Concl of Law filed by Petitioner. nb 2005-06-10 11:00:00
16648158 Correspondence
16649882 Certified Receipt filed 7160 3901 9848 7757 9436 signed by Dinna Burus Shear 9/27/05. nb 2005-09-30 13:45:00
16654442 Correspondence
17552505 Decision 2005-09-23 00:00:00