Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
08-1751 HA State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts vs. Janet E. Akremi, M.D. HA DIFP/Bd of Reg. For Healing Arts 10/14/2008
08-1750 RI Kansas Racing, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/14/2008
08-1749 RI HLG Properties, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/14/2008
08-1748 RV Randy McDonald vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/14/2008
08-1747 RI Manchester Acquisition Partners, L.P. vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/14/2008
08-1746 RI Karen M. McRoy vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/14/2008
08-1745 AR Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects vs. David L. Fenton AR DIFP/Bd of Architects, Eng, Surveyors & Landscape Architects 10/14/2008
08-1744 RV Opal A. McDougal vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/10/2008
08-1743 DI Director of Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration vs. Carol J. Black DI Department of Insurance 10/10/2008
08-1742 SP Parkside Towers vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division SP DSS/Medical Asst & Bureau for Blind 10/10/2008
08-1741 RS Technibilt/Cari-All, Ltd., Unarco Industries, Inc., and Technibilt, LTD vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/10/2008
08-1740 RS Prime Lawn & Landscape, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/10/2008
08-1739 RV Russell & Patsy Marlin vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/10/2008
08-1738 RI Kamama Consultants, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/10/2008
08-1737 CP State Board of Podiatric Medicine vs. Clifford B. Marston CP DIFP/Bd Of Chiropody & Podiatry Lic 10/09/2008
08-1736 BN Jacquelyn Lambert vs. State Board of Nursing BN DIFP/Bd of Nursing 10/09/2008
08-1735 RL Harris Motors vs. Director of Revenue RL DOR/RL - Car Dealer License 10/09/2008
08-1734 RV Toni Diamantini vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/09/2008
08-1733 RI Heartland Nursery Company vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/09/2008
08-1732 RV Bruce A. Puscian vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/09/2008
08-1731 RS J & J's Magic Midway vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/09/2008
08-1730 BN Marta Caldwell vs. State Board of Nursing BN DIFP/Bd of Nursing 10/08/2008
08-1729 AR Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects vs. Diamond H., Inc. AR DIFP/Bd of Architects, Eng, Surveyors & Landscape Architects 10/08/2008
08-1728 RS Southern Electric Supply Co., Inc. d/b/a Rexel vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/08/2008
08-1727 RV Carol Herzog vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/08/2008
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220