Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
08-1826 RS Primus Corporation vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/27/2008
08-1825 RI Dry Creek Construction vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/27/2008
08-1824 RV Matthew Kane vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/27/2008
08-1823 RE Missouri Real Estate Commission vs. Mary One Johnson Home Team Realty & Mary A. Johnson RE DIFP/Bd Of Real Estate Commission 10/27/2008
08-1822 RS Hermann Companies, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/27/2008
08-1821 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. John A. Johnson, D.D.S. DB DIFP/Dental Board 10/27/2008
08-1820 EC Connie LaJoyce Johnson vs. Missouri Ethics Commission EC OOA/Missouri Ethics Commission 10/27/2008
08-1819 MC Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission vs. Louis W. Theiss, Sr., d/b/a Lou's Mobile Home Moving, Inc. MC - DOT Motor Carriers 10/27/2008
08-1818 SW Missouri State Committee for Social Workers vs. Mary Sloan-Bell SW DIFP/Licensed Clinical Social Workers 10/27/2008
08-1817 PC Committee for Professional Counselors vs. Nathaniel Burger PC DIFP/Com. Of Prof. Counselors Lic. 10/27/2008
08-1816 RA Missouri Real Estate Appraisers Commission vs. Jason Ormiston RA DIFP/Real Estate Appraisers Commiss. 10/27/2008
08-1815 AC State Board of Accountancy vs. John M. Adams, CPA AC DIFP/Bd of Accountancy 10/27/2008
08-1814 PH Missouri Board of Pharmacy vs. Richard S. Johnson PH DIFP/Bd of Pharmacy 10/24/2008
08-1813 PH Glen A. Wisdom vs. Missouri Board of Pharmacy PH DIFP/Bd of Pharmacy 10/24/2008
08-1812 RS Gallatin Grocery LLC vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/24/2008
08-1811 RS Elizabeth S. Morrison, d/b/a Gypsea Jewelry vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/24/2008
08-1810 RS Agie, LTD vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/24/2008
08-1809 RI Columbia Electric Company, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/24/2008
08-1808 RI Alita Hoffstetter (Deceased) vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/24/2008
08-1807 RS Balls Bobcat Service, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/24/2008
08-1806 RS TC Precast, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/24/2008
08-1805 RS Tire Brokers, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/24/2008
08-1804 RI United States Air Force Reserve vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 10/24/2008
08-1803 RV Mark L. Klein vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 10/23/2008
08-1802 RS Pasha Distribution Services, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 10/23/2008
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220