Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
10-0494 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. James Indiveri, D.M.D. DB DIFP/Dental Board 04/06/2010
10-0492 MC Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission vs. R.T.G. Properties, Inc., d/b/a Chesterfield Valley Distribution and Warehousing, Inc. MC - DOT Motor Carriers 04/06/2010
10-0491 CB Brandon Becton vs. Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners CB DIFP/Bd of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners 04/05/2010
10-0490 DI Director of Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration vs. Titan Title and Closing of Missouri, LLC DI Department of Insurance 04/05/2010
10-0489 SP Angela A. Prewett vs. Department of Social Services, MO HealthNet Division SP DSS/Medical Asst & Bureau for Blind 04/05/2010
10-0488 MC In re Pinnacle Transit, Inc. MC - DOT Motor Carriers 04/05/2010
10-0487 RV Barry Seelig vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/05/2010
10-0486 RV Wayne Peters vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/05/2010
10-0485 RV Tabitha Baker vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/05/2010
10-0484 RV Jerry Burks vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/05/2010
10-0483 RV Tammi Hardy vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/05/2010
10-0482 RI Timothy Schoen & Diane Schoen vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/2010
10-0481 RV Deer Creek Cattle Co. vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/02/2010
10-0480 RS RDR Enterprises, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 04/02/2010
10-0479 RV Sarah E. Roberts vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/02/2010
10-0478 RV David Macaluso vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/02/2010
10-0477 RS PF Golf LLC vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 04/01/2010
10-0476 RV Dan Barks vs. Director of Revenue RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle 04/01/2010
10-0475 RE Missouri Real Estate Commission vs. Elmer Darrell Haynes RE DIFP/Bd Of Real Estate Commission 04/01/2010
10-0474 RS William J. Scalise, Jr. & Scalise Endeavors, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax 04/01/2010
10-0473 EC Gaylord D. Salisbury vs. Missouri Ethics Commission EC OOA/Missouri Ethics Commission 04/01/2010
10-0472 BN State Board of Nursing vs. James Shafer BN DIFP/Bd of Nursing 04/01/2010
10-0471 DB Missouri Dental Board vs. Bradley A. Bader, D.D.S. DB DIFP/Dental Board 04/01/2010
10-0470 PO Crystal L. Thompson vs. Director of Department of Public Safety PO DPS/Peace Officer Training Program 04/01/2010
10-0469 HA State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts vs. Carlos A. Salgueiro, M.D. HA DIFP/Bd of Reg. For Healing Arts 03/31/2010
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220