12-0102 RS
Commercial Coils, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/23/2012 |
12-0101 PO
Scott Hendrickson vs. Director of Department of Public Safety |
PO DPS/Peace Officer Training Program |
01/23/2012 |
12-0100 RV
Schnucks vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/23/2012 |
12-0099 RI
Christian Philippe Schrader vs. Director of Revenue |
RI DOR - Income Tax |
01/23/2012 |
12-0098 PH
Missouri Board of Pharmacy vs. Patrick Magee, R.Ph |
PH DIFP/Bd of Pharmacy |
01/23/2012 |
12-0097 RS
DirecTV, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/23/2012 |
12-0095 RI
Barry McNair vs. Director of Revenue |
RI DOR - Income Tax |
01/23/2012 |
12-0094 RS
Karen Burns vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/23/2012 |
12-0093 RV
Franklin Doorn vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/23/2012 |
12-0092 RV
Jackie Crisp vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/23/2012 |
12-0091 RV
James Boyster vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/20/2012 |
12-0090 RS
KNL Prescriptions, LLC vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/20/2012 |
12-0089 RV
Rebekah Allison vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/20/2012 |
12-0088 RS
Logic Benders LLC vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/20/2012 |
12-0087 RS
Interstate Flooring, LLC vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/20/2012 |
12-0086 RI
Brandy Moore vs. Director of Revenue |
RI DOR - Income Tax |
01/20/2012 |
12-0085 RV
Marquita McNair vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/19/2012 |
12-0084 RV
Adrianne Nelson vs. Director of Revenue |
RV DOR/RV - Motor Vehicle |
01/19/2012 |
12-0083 RI
Waymeth Boyer & Susan Boyer vs. Director of Revenue |
RI DOR - Income Tax |
01/19/2012 |
12-0082 SW
Todd S. Moody MSW vs. Missouri State Committee for Social Workers |
SW DIFP/Licensed Clinical Social Workers |
01/19/2012 |
12-0081 LC
Walgreen Co. vs. Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control |
LC DPS/ATC Liquor Control (lic |
01/18/2012 |
12-0080 LC
Shawnee Bluff Winery, LLC vs. Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control |
LC DPS/ATC Liquor Control (lic |
01/18/2012 |
12-0079 RS
John Rush vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/18/2012 |
12-0078 RE
Missouri Real Estate Commission vs. Brian P. Johnson |
RE DIFP/Bd Of Real Estate Commission |
01/18/2012 |
12-0077 RS
WGN Associates, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue |
RS DOR/RS - Sales and Use Tax |
01/18/2012 |