Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
99-0724 RV Mr. Henry Holmes vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/09/1999
99-0736 RV Mr. Bob Irvin vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/09/1999
99-0829 RV JAH, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/09/1999
99-0005 CHC Ms. Kay Kukulka vs. Mr. Charles Bailey CHC Consolidated Healthcare 03/09/1999
99-0704 RV Orr Protection Systems, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0705 RV Pride Productions vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0706 RV Future Vision, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0707 RI Mr. Phillip Shields, Jr. vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0708 RV StemTite, LLC vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0709 RV Ms. Sharon K. Jorgensen vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0710 RI Eduard and Ruth J. Wickman vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0712 RV Mr. John F. Schram vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0713 RI Melinda Harris Trucking Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0714 RI Ms. Karen Hare vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0715 RV Mr. Grover Jones vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0716 RI Irvin E. & Linda J. Rutherford vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0717 RI Adlights, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0718 RV Bump 1 Recordings Inc vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0719 RI Production Credit Association of Southeastern Missouri, Farm Credit Services of Eastern Missouri & Farm Credit Services of Western Missouri vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0731 RV Ms. Sharon K. Wuthnow vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0732 RV Mr. Anthony McDowell vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0733 RI Mr. Benjamin R. Holland vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
99-0734 RV Herrman Lumber Co. Lebanon Inc vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0735 RV Mr. Jack Wood vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/08/1999
99-0786 RI David A. & Yon Cha DuBravec vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 03/08/1999
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220