Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
99-1060 RV Mr. James R. Hodges vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/06/1999
99-1061 RV Mr. David Willis vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/06/1999
99-1062 RV Metcalf Enterprises Int'l LLC vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/06/1999
99-1063 RI Ray L. & Maple L. Caringer vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/06/1999
99-1064 RV Ms. Sharon K. Keithly vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/06/1999
99-0920 LC Cowboys 2000, Inc. vs. Supervisor of Liquor Control LC DPS/ATC Liquor Control (lic 04/05/1999
99-0981 RA Mo. Real Estate vs. Mr. Steven Goldman RA DED/Real Estate Appraisers Commiss. 04/05/1999
99-1013 RI State Farm Insurance Companies vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/1999
99-1015 RV Accurate Instruments Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1016 RI Mr. Bradley L. Smith vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/1999
99-1017 RI Robert L. & Bonnie B. Brownell vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/1999
99-1018 RV Ocean International Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1019 RI Ophelia's LLC vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/1999
99-1020 RV Mr. Bruce McKenzie vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1021 RV Mr. Jack Carson High vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1022 RV The Classic Shop vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1023 RI Andrew M. & Wendy K. Starr vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/1999
99-1024 RV Ms. Toni D. Mills vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1025 RI Mr. Larry D. Holden vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 04/05/1999
99-1026 RV Central States Leasing Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1027 RV Northside Mobile Homes Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1028 RV Gina Becs Collectibles vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1029 RV Mr. David Brown vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1030 RV Yvonne Dressel Interiors Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
99-1031 RV Mr. Winston W. BeLisle vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 04/05/1999
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220