Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
99-1304 RI Michael R. & Janice S. Marple vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/20/1999
99-1387 EC Mr. Noel Rogers vs. Missouri Ethics Commission EC OOA/Missouri Ethics Commission 05/19/1999
99-1288 RI Ms. Cecelia M. Polford vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/18/1999
99-1291 RI Mr. Robert K. Gabel vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/18/1999
99-1293 RI Ms. Audrey L. Tate vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/18/1999
99-1294 RI Fredrick & Beverly Broomfield vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/18/1999
99-1261 RV The Zou Bakery and Deli vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/15/1999
99-1278 DI Director of Insurance vs. Mr. Bradley T. Smith DI Department of Insurance 05/14/1999
99-1380 RV Don Smith & Associates Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/13/1999
99-1381 RV Ms. Miechelle Michaelis vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/13/1999
99-1382 RV Ms. Catherine R. Healey vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/13/1999
99-1383 RV Mr. Raymond E. Howard vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/13/1999
99-1384 RV Mr. Damon L. Foley vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/13/1999
99-1385 RV J & M Welding vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/13/1999
99-1386 RI Mr. Gary W. Small vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/13/1999
99-1254 LC V.S.M.P. Inc. vs. Supervisor of Liquor Control LC DPS/ATC Liquor Control (lic 05/12/1999
99-1276 BN State Board of Nursing vs. Ms. Gayla Elliott BN DED/Bd of Nursing 05/12/1999
99-1277 RA Missouri Real Estate Appraisers Commission vs. Konnie L. Sanders RA DED/Real Estate Appraisers Commiss. 05/12/1999
99-1365 RI Curtis & Ann DeHart vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/12/1999
99-1366 RV Mr. Jerome A. Petti vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/12/1999
99-1369 RI Mr. Garth O. Stocking vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/12/1999
99-1371 RV Mr. Nelson W. Holmes vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/12/1999
99-1372 RV Pyke & Gilbert Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 05/12/1999
99-1373 RI Elam Chemical Co. Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/12/1999
99-1374 RI Wells Spray Co., Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RI DOR - Income Tax 05/12/1999
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220