Case Number default sort Case Name default sort Case Type default sort Date Created sort results descending
01-0489 RV Harmon, Jeanne R. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0488 RV Industrial & Petroleum Environmental vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0487 RV Purdy, Ken, d/b/a Madison Tire vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0486 RV KC Mini Motorsports, Inc., d/b/a KC Mini Motorsports vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0485 RV Dye, Gary R. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0484 RV Nick's Enterprises, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0483 RV GHSP, Inc., d/b/a Mail Boxes Etc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0482 RV Cristopher, Diane L., d/b/a Designs by Diane vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0481 RV C & S Sales Group Incorporated vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0480 RV VF Food Services, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0479 RV Pursley, Vernon, d/b/a Tecvar vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0478 RV RecoveryOne, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0477 RV Max's Power & Lawn, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0476 RV B.B.C.B., L.L.C., d/b/a Big Bob's Country Bunker vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0475 EC Schroeder, Norman R. vs. Missouri Ethics Commission EC OOA/Missouri Ethics Commission 03/26/2001
01-0474 EM State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors vs. Grimes, Aaron EM DED/Bd of Embalmers & Fun. Dir. 03/26/2001
01-0473 EM State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors vs. Perpetua Holdings, d/b/a Wade Funeral Home EM DED/Bd of Embalmers & Fun. Dir. 03/26/2001
01-0472 RV Barber, Diane W., d/b/a Decoration Den Interiors vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/26/2001
01-0471 BN State Board of Nursing vs. McCane, Ginger BN DED/Bd of Nursing 03/23/2001
01-0470 RV Moser Wood Products vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/23/2001
01-0469 DI Director of Insurance vs. Hamilton, Natalie D. DI Department of Insurance 03/23/2001
01-0468 RV Schebaum, John H., d/b/a SS Building vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/23/2001
01-0467 LC 2211 at 100, Inc., d/b/a Roadhouse 100 vs. Supervisor of Liquor Control LC DPS/ATC Liquor Control (lic 03/23/2001
01-0466 RV Thermal Industries, Inc. vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/23/2001
01-0465 RV Burton, James P., d/b/a Burton Sign Company vs. Director of Revenue RG DOR - General 03/23/2001
Case Number Case Name Case Type Date Created
Total number of results: 55220